Auction Number 10 © Wednesday 23 April 1997
The Leonidas C Hermes Collection
Russian Coins
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Commemorative Medals _
To be held i in the Council Chamber |
The Chartered Institute of roe Finance ane Accountancy
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Our auction venue
The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy is one of the oldest
professional accounting bodies. The institute has its origins in local government and
was founded in 1885. Its members are principally financial officials in local and
public authorities. CIPFA has occupied the Adam House at 3 Robert Street since 1985
and has carried out an extensive programme of restoration. A. H. Baldwin and Sons
Ltd. occupied various rooms in the house from around 1920 until 1963, with the
Ballroom, now the Council Chamber, as the main coin room.
Our logo
A. H. Baldwin and Sons Ltd., founded in 1872, has had premises in The Adelphi since
the 1920’s and since 1970 at 11 Adelphi Terrace. The original terrace was demolished
in 1936. The drawing is derived from part of Robert Adam’s original plans for his
Royal Terrace, and depicts the house at the West end of the Terrace at the corner of
Robert Street.
Auction Number 10
Wednesday 23 April 1997
The Leonidas C Hermes Collection
Russian Coins and
Commemorative Medals
3 Robert Street
London WC2N 6BH
The Council Chamber
10.30 am precisely
Baldwin's Auctions Ltd 11 Adelphi Terrace
London WC2N 6BJ
Telephone: 0171 930 9808/6879
Fax: 0171 930 9450
Date of Sale
Public View
Wednesday 23 April 1997
Morning Session: 10.00 am Lots 1-291
Afternoon Session: 2.00 pm Lots 292-705
Tuesday 22 April 1997
A H Baldwin and Sons Ltd
11 Adelphi Terrace
London WC2N 6BJ
9.30 am - 4.30 pm
Viewing at all other times by appointment at
11 Adelphi Terrace during the preceding
two weeks
9.00 am - 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday
VAT at 2'2% is payable on the HAMMER PRICE
Buyer's Premium 10% + 24% VAT
Catalogued by
Edward Baldwin
Seth Freeman
Photography by Frank Purvey
Price £15
Leonidas Hermes' people were among the group of Greek pioneers Catherine the Great invited to
settle in the New Lands in South Russia late in the 18th century. The region prospered and became a
garden spot of Russia. So his predilection for coins and medals of Russia and Greece comes naturally
to Leon.
An educator by vocation, Leon has nurtured his collecting avocation for over 30 happy years; he has
long been a familiar presence at the big coin shows and a formidable bidder at American auctions.
Collectors have welcomed the well balanced lists of coins and especially of numismatic books he used
to put out every now and then. Since the end of the Cold War he has been a frequent working visitor
at the Hermitage and the Historical Museum.
Leon is no Gustav Klingert - trying to complete every series with all the minor varieties never took his
fancy. It is coins of the 19th and early 20th centuries in top condition that most appealed to him, his
collection of these being his strong suit. Most characteristically, though, Leon was moved by what
might be called informed impulse, and this has led him above all to go after numismatically
significant rarities.
To name a few: his Hedlinger rouble of 1736 would be a high point anywhere. The AIII novodel
rouble of 1762 is struck with the obverse die of the gold rouble Catherine II awarded to those closest
to her in the coup d'état that brought her to the throne. Leon's novodel 2-Kopek pattern with
incomplete date 178_ harks back to the Petersburg samples sent out as guidance to the ephemeral
Feodosia Mint in 1787. From the 19th century there is a copper strike of the Trubetskoy copy of the
Constantine rouble, the only one known and quite possibly a contemporary trial piece. Leon's seven-
piece nickel and copper set of 1898 Berlin die trials with Prussian eagle and reversed legend is surely
the biggest group of these to appear in a very long time - Willy Fuchs had only two. Finally there are
the two Petersburg pattern minor sets - the nickel one of 1911 and the copper one of 1916.
The sale's venue is worth a word. The gracious first floor chamber in the Adam house at 3 Robert
Street, Adelphi, was for many years, up to 1963, A H Baldwin and Sons' coin room, with dozens of
well-stocked cabinets lining the walls. Behind a low barricade of cabinets presided Uncle Fred
Baldwin, and Uncle Roy Baldwin, along with Douglas Mitchell and Albert Baldwin. Peter Mitchell
began his career here. In the room there used to come together Albert's Saturday Club - an informal
get-together of some of Britain's best numismatic brains, who regularly toured the numismatic
horizon for a glorious and contentious three hours of a Saturday morning. Years earlier, James Barrie
had rooms at Number 3 for a time, and long before him it was the Potentate of the Sandwich Islands
who stayed there during his London sojourn.
Randolph Zander
Principal References
Brekke, B F, The Copper Coinage of Imperial Russsia 1700-1917, Malmo 1977
Blank, H H, Russian Silver Coins and Var. From 1796 to 1902, St Petersburg 1902
Grand Duke Georgii Michailovitch, Monnaies de l’Empire russe 1725-1894, Paris 1916
Harris, R P, Guidebook of Russian Coins (1725 to 1970), California 1971
Iversen, J, Medaillen auf die Thaten Peter des Grossen, St Petersburg 1872
Kaim, R, Russische Numismatik, Brunswick 1968
Krause, C L, Mischler, C, Bruce C R, Standard Catalogue of World Coins, Iola 1991
Reichel, J, Die Reichelsche Mitinzsammlung in St Petersburg, St Petersburg 1847
Severin, H M, The silver coinage of Imperial Russia, 1682-1917, Basel 1965
Shubert, F F, Monnaies russes des derniéres trois siécles, Leipzig 1857
Smirnov, V P, Description des Medailles Russes, St Petersburg 1908
de Tiregale, P R, Médailles sur les Principaux Evénements de Empire de Russi depuis
le régne de Pierre le Grand jusqu’a Catherine II, Potsdam 1772
Uzdenikov, V V, Russian Coins 1700-1917, Moscow 1992
Pre-Petrine Coins
Pskov, Vasilii Vasilievich (1425-1462), AZ Pulo, double-headed eagle, rev legend. Extremely
fine, rare. £70-80
Alexei Mikhailovich (1645-1676), necessity emergency 4-Rouble 1654, silver, novodel (Reichel
716; Spassky 31). Extremely fine, rare. £450-500
Alexei Mikhailovich, Rouble 1655, counterstamp, struck on Thaler of Friedrich of Brunswick-
Luneburg (Dav 6488). Extremely fine, rare. £500-550
Alexei Mikhailovich, Rouble 1655, counterstamp 162-, struck on Brabant Patagon 1622,
Antwerp. Extremely fine. £400-450
Dimitry Ivanovich (1605-1606), the False Dimitry, medallic Rouble, bust right, with
sceptre/eagle, Tsar and Grand Duke of Russia, rev monarch, commander and autocrat of
Moscow (Reichel 570; Shubert 2.22). Uncirculated, very rare. £800-1000
LH comments: "The dies were found in the Moscow Kremlin, having been brought by Peter I from Krakow. The
original dies were made in Poland and from these dies a number of pieces in gold and silver were struck until the
reverse die broke. Thereafter, it became very rare. Most probably the items were struck in Poland."
Peter I (1700-1725)
Copper Coins
Polushka 1703, eagle, rev Cyrillic date (Sch 439f). Good very fine, rare. £60-80
With Count E Hutten-Czapskii's counterstamp
Polushka 1707, eagle, rev Cyrillic date (B 29; Uzd 2288). Good very fine. £60-80
Polushka 1707, Cyrillic date, povelitel (B 31; Uzd 2289). Very fine, rare. £50-60
Polushka 1719, HD, eagle, rev Cyrillic date (B 62; Uzd 2413). Very fine, rare. £40-50
Polushka 1719, HD, eagle, rev Cyrillic date (B 62; Uzd 2413). About extremely fine, rare. £40-50
Polushka 1719, no mm, eagle, rev Arabic date (B 63; Uzd 2413). About extremely fine, scarce. £40-50
Polushka 1720, eagle, rev Arabic date, (B 67; Uzd 2423). Crudely struck, very fine, scarce. £50-60
Polushka 1721 (.721), no mm, eagle, rev Arabic date (B -). Very fine, obverse double-struck. £60-70
Polushka 1721, no mm, eagle, rev Arabic date (B 74; Uzd 2432). Good very fine, scarce. £60-70
Pattern Kopek, no date, Imperial eagle, rev St George, 20-21mm, lettered edge, novodel (Uzd
3978, 121-122, photo; B -). See Uzd p 351, photo and text 311. Uncirculated, very rare, possibly
unique. £400-500
LH comments: "This is the first time it has been offered for sale, has never been seen on the market before."
Denga 1700, eagle, Peter I Grand Duke and Tsar, rev Cyrillic date, autocrat of all Russia, de-
nga (B 85; Uzd 2246). Very fine, rare. £140-160
4 Fs
Denga 1700, eagle, rev Peter I Tsar of all Russia, den-ga (B 82; Uzd 2244var). Good very fine,
Denga 1703, no mm, eagle, rev Cyrillic date, de-nga (B 103; Uzd 2262). Attractive very fine. £80-100
Denga 1704, eagle, rev Cyrillic date, de-nga (B 107; Uzd 2267). Fine. £30-40
Denga 1706, no mm, cross above eagle, rev Cyrillic date, de-nga (B 117; Uzd 2280). Very fine. £40-50
Denga 1707, no mm, four pellets above eagle, rev Cyrillic date (B 120; Uzd 2287). Minor rim
flaw, good very fine. £50-60
Denga 1707 no mm, dot above eagle, rev Cyrillic date (B 122: Uzd 2287). Very fine. £60-70
Denga 1712 no mm, eagle, rev Cyrillic date (B 141; Uzd 2329). Fine. £30-40
Denga 1713, no mm, eagle, rev Cyrillic date, de-nga (B 147, not priced; Uzd 2345) Flan flaw,
uncirculated, very rare. £150-200
Denga 1713, no mm, Cyrillic date (B 146). Very fine. £40-50
Denga 1714, no mm, eagle, rev Cyrillic date (B 148; Uzd 2353). Off-centre, very fine, scarce. £50-60
Kopek 1704 BK, Cyrillic date (B 155; Uzd 2265). Extremely fine, rare. £100-120
Kopek 1705 MD, Cyrillic date, cross, rosette (B 166; Uzd 2273). About extremely fine. £50-60
Kopek 1705 MD (B 166), about extremely fine; and another, 1705 BK (B 164), extremely fine. (2) £60-70
Kopek 1706 BK, rosette above horseman, rev Cyrillic date, dot (B 169; Uzd 2279). Good very
fine. £40-50
Kopek 1707 BK, Cyrillic date, rosette, dot, large size (B 175; Uzd 2282, see Uzd note 103).
Fine/very fine, rare. £60-70
Kopek 1708 MD, Cyrillic date (B 190; Uzd 2291). Very fine. £40-50
Kopek 1710 BK, Cyrillic date, rope edge, gilt, novodel (B -; Uzd 2305, plate 117; Kopilev 274).
Traces of solder on edge, otherwise extremely fine /about uncirculated, very rare. £150-180
Kopek 1710 BK, Cyrillic date, rosette, dots (B 198; Uzd 2304). Good very fine. £40-50
Kopek 1710 MD (2), Cyrillic date, cross obv and rev (B 204; Uzd 2304). Very fine and good very
fine. (2) £60-70
Kopek 1711 BK, Cyrillic date, first variety dot-rosette (B 207; Uzd 2316). Extremely fine, rare. £60-70
Kopek 1712 MD, Cyrillic date, tall rider (B 220; Uzd 2283). About extremely fine, rare. £40-50
Kopek 1712 BK (B 217; Uzd 2281). About extremely fine. £40-50
Kopek 1713 MD, Cyrillic date, novodel (B 224; Uzd 2335-118). Red, prooflike, rare. £250-300
wie |
Kopek 1713, no mm, Cyrillic date (B 231; Uzd 2341). Very fine, rare. £40-50
Kopek 1714 HD, Cyrillic date, small rider (B 235). Very fine, rare. £40-50
Kopek 1714 MD (Uzd 2349). Very fine, rare. £30-40
Kopek 1715 (2), MD and HD (B 237, 238; Uzd 2356). Good very fine. (2) £60-70
Kopek 1716 HD3, Cyrillic date (B 244; Uzd 2370, date after 2d variant). Good very fine, rare. £50-60
Kopek 1717 HD, Cyrillic date, rider with coat (B 249,Uzd 2378). Very fine rare. £70-80
Kopek 1724 (kopeika in one line), late restrike (B 276; Uzd 2446). Very fine. £40-50
5-Kopeks 1725 MD, Peter I (B 292; Uzd 2449). Very fine, scarce. £70-80
The coins Nol through No44 are from the collection of Jasha Heifetz, the violinist, Superior
Galleries auction 1989
Silver Coins
Peter I, in name of Ivan V, Altyn (3-Kopeks), 1.15g silver, mounted Tsar right, holding
downward lance, mmk M. under horse, rev 6 line legend, contains Ivan's name, novodel
(Severin 1; GM T II, 21-22). Extremely fine, rare. £250-300
Altyn 1704 BK, silver, eagle within circle of laurel buds, three crowns above, rev Cyrillic date
and legend in three lines, novodel (Sev 80; Uzd 0483). Extremely fine, rare. £100-120
Peter I, Kopek 1718, silver, Cyrillic date, inverted "L" under date, novodel (Sev 320; Uzd
0572). Uncirculated. £70-80
The 'Hermitage Duplicates’ from 14** - 18" centuries, Hess catalogue, Frankfurt a/M 1932, lot 210
Grivennik M. 1704, Cyrillic date, eagle with small crowns, novodel (Sev 94; Uzd 0473). About
extremely fine, very rare. £150-180
Grivna 1705 B*K, Cyrillic date, novodel (Sev 155; Uzd 0499). Extremely fine / about uncirculated,
rare. £180-200
Grivna 1709 BK, Cyrillic date, eagle with large crown, novodel (Sev 247; Uzd 0515). Extremely
fine, rare. £180-200
Grivennik 1719+, Arabic date, double eagle, rev 10 pellets and legend over date, novodel (Sev
392; Uzd 585). Uncirculated, rare. £200-250
%4-Rouble 1704 MD, Cyrillic date, bust, rev eagle (Sev 108; Uzd 0470). Good very fine, rare. £440-460
%-Rouble 1705, Cyrillic date, bust, rev eagle, novodel (Sev 161; Uzd 0487). About extremely
fine, rare. £440-460
%-Rouble 1706, Cyrillic date, bust, rev eagle (Sev 194; Uzd 0500). Very fine, rare. £450-500
%-Rouble 1710, Cyrillic date, bust, rev eagle and date (cf Sev 259; Uzd 0520; GM 1566, ea ae
About extremely fine, very rare. £550-600
14-Rouble 1712, bust, rev eagle, Moscovskii poltina, date under eagle (Sev 284; Uzd 531). Small
planchet flaw, very fine, rare. £450-500
Rouble 1705, novodel (Sev 179; Uzd 0486; GM 586.18.6). About extremely fine, rare. £1000-1200
The novodel was struck from the same pair of dies as the gold Rouble novodel
Rouble 1707, no mm, Arabic date, Moscovskii Rouble, bust, rev eagle and date (Sev 232; Uzd
0505). Good very fine, rare. £900-1000
Rouble 1707, Cyrillic date, H on sleeve, bust, rev eagle and date (Sev 230; Uzd 0506; GM-
903.30.3). Very fine, rare. £550-600
Rouble 1710, Arabic date, H on sleeve, bust, rev eagle (Sev 265; Uzd 0517; GM 1562.51.4).
Planchet defects, otherwise good very fine, rare. £900-950
Rouble 1712 G, bust, clasp on mantle, rev eagle, letter Y in value (Sev 290; Uzd 0530; GM PI
66.8). Very fine, rare. £650-700
Rouble 1720, Arabic date, bust, rev eagle, Moscow mint on edge (Sev 468; Uzd 0588). About
extremely fine. £400-450
Rouble 1721 K, Arabic date, bust, rev eagle, Moscow mint on edge (Sev 518; Uzd 0598).
Extremely fine. £300-350
Rouble 1722, Arabic date, bust, rev eagle, Moscow mint on edge (Sev 528; Uzd 0602). Smooth
on both sides and free of scratches. Has been lightly polished, very fine, rare. £350-400
LH comments: "This date is very rare and it appears on the market rarer than its brother 2 Roubles of 1722."
Rouble 1723, bust, rev monogram and 4 large crowns, Moscow mint on edge, novodel (Sev
560; Uzd 0610). In a superb condition, practically as struck. £300-350
Rouble 1724, OK under sleeve, bust, rev monogram and four large crowns, Moscow mint on
edge (Sev 640; Uzd 0616). A minor flan flaw on obv at 10 o'clock, extremely fine/about
uncirculated. £250-300
Rouble 1725, OK under sleeve, bust, rev monogram and four large crowns, Moscow mint on
edge (Sev 684; Uzd 0616). Extremely fine. £300-350
Catherine I (1725-1727)
Ekaterinburg Kopek 1726 (2), square coin - plate, novodel (cf B 34, 36). Extremely fine. (2) £150-200
Ekaterinburg 5-Kopeks 1726, fantasy collector's imitation, square coin - plate. Extremely fine. £100-120
Ekaterinburg Grivna (10-Kopeks) 1726, novodel (Reichel 1604; cf B 48; cf Uzd 18). Very fine. £100-150
Pattern Grosh 1727, no mm, monogram, novodel (B 9; Uzd 2465-130). Extremely fine, rare. £500-550
5-Kopeks (Kopeakb) 1727 KD (B 29; Uzd 2462). Very fine, rare. £40-50
5-Kopeks 1726 KD, novodel (B 16; Uzd 2455). Brilliant red prooflike mint state, rare thus. | £250-300
ao 2
“%4-Rouble (Polpoltina) 1726 SPB, date, rev eagle, rope edge (Sev 776; Uzd 0658). About
uncirculated, rare. £500-550
According to Uzdenikov's report, polupoltinas of this type from the alloy of approx 55 standard "were done
enough". Later almost all these coins were melted down and that is why they are very rare now.
Rouble 1726, Moscow, bust left, rev eagle, lettered edge (Sev 818; Uzd 0643; GM 4-5).
Collectors mark below eagle on reverse, extremely fine / very fine, scarce. £200-250
Rouble 1727, bust right, rev crown, Moscow lettered edge (Sev 867). Extremely fine, toned. £250-300
Peter II (1727-1730)
Kopek 1728, Moscow, novodel (H 20; B 10; Uzd 2472). About uncirculated, rare. £100-120
5-Kopeks 1729 MD (H 21; B 20; Uzd 2474). Very fine. £40-60
5-Kopeks 1730 MD (H 21; B 42 under Anna; Uzd 2476). Dark tone, very fine, rare. £60-70
Rouble 1728, bust, rev four large crowns, Moscow mint on edge (Sev 970; Uzd 0686; Kopilev
526-Auction 1913). Good very fine, a rare type. £300-350
Anna Ivanovna (1730-1740)
Polushka (7) 1730 (rare), 1731, 1734 (rare), 1735, 1738, 1739, 1740 (H 30; B 2, 4, 6, 9, 15, 16, 17var;
Uzd 2482, 2486, 2489, 2493, 2501, 2504, 2514). Good very fine to uncirculated. (7) £140-160
Denga (9) 1730, 1731, 1734, 1735, 1736, 1737, 1738, 1739, 1740 (H 31). Very fine to extremely fine.
(9) £180-200
Denga 1731, overstrike, Arabic date 1710 of Peter I Kopek shows on xxx (H 31; B 21).
Extremely fine, rare. £80-100
Grivennik (10 Kopeks) 1732, double eagle, rev ten dots and value (Sev 1077). Extremely fine,
rare. £100-120
Grivennik (10 Kopeks) 1733, double eagle, rev ten dots and value (Sev 1106; Uzd 0709).
Extremely fine, rare. £100-120
Grivennik (10 Kopeks) 1734, rev ten dots and value (Sev 1160; Uzd 0722). Extremely fine, rare.
Grivennik (10 Kopeks), 1735 (Sev 1198; Uzd 0725). Very fine, rare. £100-120
%-Rouble (Poltina) 1733/2, bust-eagle (Sev 1108; Uzd 0708). Patina, about uncirculated, rare
thus. £280-300
Rouble 1733, Moscow, bust, rev crown, Portrait special design (Sev 1129; Uzd 0707). Good very
fine, rare £200-250
Rouble 1736, portrait and eagle designed by Hedlinger, novodel (H 42; Sev 1234; Uzd 0727;
GM 10; cf Klingert sale 1910, lot 1062). Prooflike about uncirculated, very rare, about 6 specimens
known. £4500-5500
Rouble 1737, portrait and eagle designed by Dmitriev, pupil of Hedlinger, copied from
Hedlinger's dies (Sev 1264; Uzd 0730). Very fine, dark tone, rare. £400-450
Rouble 1738 SPB, bust, rev eagle, Hedlinger type, new design, portrait by Dmitriev (H 44; Sev
1286; Uzd 0736). Extremely fine, rare. £400-450
Rouble 1740 SPB, bust, rev eagle, portrait by Dmitriev, (Sev 1331; Uzd 0750). About very fine.
Ivan III (1741)
Polushka 1741 (H 47; B 1; Uzd 2516). Extremely fine, rare. £230-250
LH comments: "The only coin I have known for sale since 1913 - Kopilev sale."
Denga 1741 (H 48; B 2; Uzd 2515). Very fine, rare. £80-100
Pattern 2-Kopeks 1740 SPB, novodel, portrait, rev eagle and date, edge - 5 (B 4; Uzd 25127,GM
P13, 20). Extremely fine, very rare, possibly unique. £2000-2200
LH comments: "The model from Chaudoir 1836, Plate 32 lot 1. The original was never accessible to collectors. Even
though this novodel appeared only once in a long, long life time, it was offered in the Hermitage duplicates sale in
1932, and H Schulman sale in 1965, for extremely high price then. See JRNS lot 32, 1988 for detailed reference.”
10-Kopeks (Grivennik) 1741 MMD (H 49; Sev 1340; Uzd 0769). Extremely fine for issue. £650-700
Rouble 1740 SPB, cast collector's copy of pattern Rouble, entwined monogram of Ivan III, (Sev
1338; Uzd 0752). Attractive about extremely fine, even though not original, still rare. £180-200
LH comments: "The original is excessively rare, one of the rarest coins in the Russian series, only 2 or 3 known’.
Rouble 1741 SPB, lettered edge, small bust, St Petersburg mint, portrait Ivan, rev eagle (H 53;
Sev 1375; Uzd 0757). About extremely fine, rare. £1000-1200
Rouble 1741 MMD, lettered edge, Moscow mint, portrait, rev eagle (H 52; Sev 1359; Uzd
0759). Good fine, rare. £750-800
Elizabeth (1741-1761)
Copper coins
Polushka (3) 1745, (rare), 1748, 1757, novodel, possibly a pattern (rare) (H 54; B 4, 9, 58; Uzd
2524, 2531, 2581). Very fine, the last uncirculated and illustrated. (3) £130-150
Denga (2) 1748, 1749 (H 56; B 25, 27; Uzd 2529, 2531). Very fine. (2) £30-40
Proof Denga 1757, novodel (H 57; B 65; Uzd 2580). Brilliant mint state, red. £160-180
Denga 1760 (H 57; B 71, no mm var; Uzd 2610). Good fine, rare. £60-80
Only 326 minted
Pattern Baroque Kopek 1755, no mm, special design, monogram, rev clouds (H 58; B 39; Uzd
2551). Brilliant mint state, red, rare. £500-600
Pattern Baroque Kopek 1755, Moscow mint on edge (B 43; Uzd 2552). Brilliant mint state, red,
very rare. £500-600
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Baroque Kopek 1756 SPB (H 59; B 53; Uzd 2560). About extremely fine, rare. £250-280
Kopek 1757, no mm, denomination beneath emblem of Moscow, rider on horseback, rev emblem
novodel (B 74; Uzd 2578). Stain on edge, otherwise brilliant mint state, red, scarce. £200-250
2-Kopeks 1757 CP-M, denomination beneath emblem of Moscow, rider on horseback, rev
emblem, novodel (H 64; B 95; Uzd 2575). Extremely fine, rare type. £170-200
2-Kopeks 1757, no mm, denomination above emblem of Moscow, novodel (H 62; B 90; Uzd
2571; GM 8). Mint state, dark tone, rare. £240-260
2-Kopeks 1757 EM, lettered edge, Ekaterinburg (H 66; B -; Uzd -; GM 2). Very rare. £100-120
LH comments: "The first I have ever seen".
2-Kopeks 1758 EM, lettered edge, Ekaterinburg, denomination above emblem of Moscow (H
63; B -; Uzd 2585). Edge flaw, good very fine. £60-80
2-Kopeks 1758, overstrike on Baroque Kopek, grilled edge, denomination under St George (H
65; B 99; Uzd 2585). Very fine, rare. £80-100
2-Kopeks 1759, value above St George, lettered edge (H 63; B not priced; Uzd 2594). Fine, rare.
Silver coins
Rouble 1742 MMD, lettered edge, Moscow mint, bust, rev eagle, very broad planchet, special
type (Sev 1403; Uzd 0773; GM 10). Scratch on obverse, otherwise extremely fine, scarce. £260-280
Rouble 1744 SPB, lettered edge, St Petersburg mint, bust, rev eagle (Sev 1466; Uzd 0787).
About extremely fine, scarce. E200-290
Rouble 1748 SPB, lettered edge, St Petersburg mint, bust, rev eagle (Sev 1532; Uzd 0815).
Extremely fine, dark patina. £260-280
Rouble 1756 IM SPB, lettered edge, St Petersburg mint, bust, daintier style, rev eagle, (Sev
1672; Uzd 0881). Good very fine. £250-300
Rouble 1757 SPB-TI, lettered edge, portrait by Scott, rev eagle, (Sev 1687; Uzd 0891; GM PLS;
10). Good fine, rare. £280-320
5-Kopeks 1757, silver, design as Baroque Kopek (Sev 1677; Uzd 0898). Very fine, rare. £100-120
5-Kopeks 1758, silver, design as the Baroque Kopek, (Sev 1692; Uzd 0906). Extremely fine, dark
patina, rare. £100-120
From the J Q Adams (the 6th President of the U S A) collection
Grivennik (10 Kopeks) 1746, no mm (Sev 1486; Uzd 1807). Very fine, rare. £80-100
2-Kopeks 1757 (Sev 1755; Uzd 4234). Very fine, scarce. £100-120
4-Kopeks 1757, lettered edge (Sev 1756; Uzd 4233). Extremely fine, rare. £120-140
4-Kopeks 1757, lettered edge (Sev 1756; Uzd 4233). Good fine, rare. £100-120
a RS
Pattern 48-Kopeks 1756 SPB, novodel bust and inscription, rev Moneta-Livon-et-Estland (Sev
1749; Uzd 4217; GM XX17). Proof, very rare. £2600-3000
Only 10 pieces struck
96-Kopeks 1757, bust from 1756 96-Kopeks pattern dies, rev from 1757 dies - Moneta -
Livoesthonica. (Sev 1767; Uzd 4226; GM P126, 7). Good very fine, very rare. £600-650
LH comments: "Interesting rare combination of this fabulous coin’.
Pattern Denga 1761, copper, novodel, arms and banners (B 134; Uzd 2621). Red, extremely fine,
rare. £280-300
Pattern 2-Kopeks 1761, copper, novodel, arms and banners (B 145; Uzd 2616). Red proof, rare. £460-480
Pattern 4Kopeks 1761, copper, novodel, arms and banners (B 146; Uzd 2616). Red proof, rare. £460-480
Pattern 10-Kopeks 1761, copper, novodel, arms and banners (B 149; Uzd 2613). Red proof, rare.
Peter III (1762)
4-Kopeks 1762, no mm, original, grilled edge (H 108; B 9; Uzd 2624). Extremely fine, scarce.
10-Kopeks 1762, no mm, original, grilled edge (H 109; B 15; Uzd 2622). Polished, very fine,
scarce. £150-170
¥%-Rouble (Poltina) 1762 SPB HK, portrait Peter III, rev eagle (Sev 1875; Uzd 0935). Prooflike
mint state, rare thus. £800-1000
Rouble 1762 SPB HK, portrait of Peter III, rev eagle (Sev 1881; Uzd 0925). Minor metal flaws on
obverse, otherwise extremely fine, rare. £600-650
Rouble 1762 MMD, lettered edge, Moscow mint (Sev 1878; Uzd 0930). Very fine, rare. £500-550
Catherine II (1762-1796)
Copper coins
Polushka 1768 EM (H 119; B 6). Very fine. £40-60
Polushka 1769, no mm, novodel (B 9; Uzd 2713; GM P138, 22). Dark patina, extremely fine, rare.
Polushka 1784 KM, novodel (H 120; B 20; Uzd 2767; GM P124, 10). Extremely fine, lustre, rare. | £80-100
Polushka 1789 EM (H 119; B 31), Denga (2) 1769, EM, 1795 EM (H 123; B57). Very fine, the last
about extremely fine, first and last illustrated. (3) £60-80
Denga 1782 KM (B 66; GM 768, 15). Red proof, very rare. £130-150
Denga 1796, no mm (B 8; Uzd 2870). Small crack at 9 o'clock, gold patina, brilliant mint state, rare.
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Kopek (2) 1789 EM, 1794 EM (H 127). Extremely fine and very fine. (2) £80-100
Kopek 1795 EM (H 127; B 131). Spot on mintmark, otherwise extremely fine. £60-80
Pattern Polushka 1765, no mm, novodel, horse rev monogram and date (B 2; Uzd 2675; GM
P138, 13). Mint state, dark tone, rare. £160-180
Pattern Denga 1765, no mm, novodel, horse rev monogram and date (B 53; GM P138, 11). Red
proof, rare. £160-180
Pattern Kopek 1765, no mm, novodel, horse rev monogram and date (B 115; GM P138, 10). Red
proof. £180-200
Pattern 2-Kopeks 1765, no mm, novodel, horse rev monogram and date (B 151; Uzd 2669).
Proof, rare. £260-280
5-Kopeks 1787 KM (H 140; B 261; Uzd 2779). Smoothed, very fine, rare. £60-80
2-Kopeks 1790 EM under horse, rev date, (H 130; B 182). Red, about uncirculated. £70-80
Pattern 2-Kopeks 178., no mm, rev date 178. (H -; B 194 not priced; Uzd 3969; GM P143, 16).
About extremely fine. £900-1000
5-Kopeks 1792 EM (H 138; B 292). Extremely fine. £50-60
Silver coins
15-Kopeks 1764 MMD (H 148; Sev 1918). Rusty die, dark patina, extremely fine, scarce. £80-100
15-Kopeks (3) 1778 SPB, 1780/1 SPB, 1784 SPB (H 149; Sev 2126, 2151, 2206). Very fine or better,
the 1780/1 rare. £100-120
20 Kopeks 1770 SPB, no mm (Sev 2037; H 151). About fine. £40-50
20 Kopeks 1789 SPB, no mm, (Sev 2261; H 151). Flan default, about fine. £50-60
From J Q Adams collection
Polupoltinnik (25-Kopeks) 1767 MMD El (H 152; Sev 1988). Very fine, dark tone, rare. £100-120
From J Q Adams collection
Polupoltinnik (25-Kopeks) 1775 MMD CA (H 152; Sev 2098). Fine, dark tone, rare. £100-120
From J Q Adams collection
Rouble 1762 SPB AIII, T.I. (Timothey Ivanov) on sleeves, portrait, rev eagle (H 159; Sev 1903;
Uzd 0932; GM P137, 1). Marks in the obv field, otherwise extremely fine, very rare. £1200-1400
Ex Klingert collection, Hess catalogue, Frankfurt a/M, May 1910, lot 1683
LH comments: "The same coin appeared again at auction of Russian museum duplicates - sales of 14-18" cent.
catalogue lot 210 in 1932. It has not appeared on the market since 1932 again’.
Rouble 1767 SPB, T.I. on sleeve, AII under eagle, new bust (H 160; Sev 1993; GM PI7, 10; Uzd
0993). Extremely fine, scarce. £200-220
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Rouble 1771 SPB, new bust (H 160; Sev 2053; Uzd 1039). About mint state, rare thus. £260-280
Courland under Russia, Peter Biron (1769-1795), Rouble 1780, bust right, rev arms (D 1624).
About very fine. £260-300
Gilt bronze proof Medal 1796, on Catherine II's death (by Ktichler), struck at Soho Mint,
Birmingham, bust right, rev crowned double eagle, 29mm. About mint state. £250-280
Taurida - Crimea Issue
5-Kopeks 1787 TM, copper (B not priced; Uzd 2781; GM P126, 15). Very fine, rare thus. £450-480
10-Kopeks 1787 TM, silver (Sev 2371; Uzd 4354; GM P126, 10). Very fine, very rare. £500-550
20-Kopeks 1787 TM, silver (Sev 2376; Uzd 4353; GM P126, 6). Extremely fine, lustre, rare.
20-Kopeks 1764, T.I., silver, portrait, rev sable, novodel (Sev 2363; Uzd 4237). Extremely fine,
dark tone, very rare. £280-320
Pattern Polushka 1764, no mm, known only as novodel (B 318; GM PI37, 16; Uzd 4250).
Uncirculated, very rare. £400-450
From Count I Tolstoi collection
Polushka 1771 KM, novodel, (B 330; GM -). Extremely fine, rare. £220-250
From Count E Hutten-Czapski collection with his counterstamp in obverse field
Denga 1777 KM, novodel (B 375; H 175). Extremely fine, scarce. £80-100
Kopek 1777 KM, novodel (B 409; H 176). Extremely fine, scarce. £100-120
2-Kopeks 1774 KM, novodel (B 437; H 177). Prooflike red mint state, rare. £140-160
5-Kopeks 1779 KM, original (B 484; H 178). Extremely fine, scarce. £100-120
10-Kopeks 1775 KM, original (B 517; H 179). About extremely fine, dark tone. £140-160
"Cipher Series" of Catherine II 1796, set of seven coins, Polushka, Denga, Kopek, 2-Kopeks, 4-
Kopeks, 5-Kopeks, 10-Kopeks, a complete set (B 2, 8, 13, 18, 24, 31, 42; Uzd 2934, 2931, 2928,
2925, 2919, 2917, 2904). Proofs, extremely rare, particularly as a complete set. (7) £2500-3000
Ex NASCA sale in 1978
Paul I (1797)
Copper coins
Polushka 1797 EM (H 182; B 1), extremely fine, rare; Denga 1798 EM (H 182; B 25), red, about
extremely fine. (2) £50-60
Kopek 1797 KM, novodel (H 191; B 44; Uzd 2961). Red, brilliant mint state. £140-160
Kopek (2) 1799 EM, 1800 EM (H 190; B 52, 56). About uncirculated. (2) £60-80
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2-Kopeks 1797 AM (H 193; B 66; Uzd 80). Extremely fine, rare. £40-60
From J Q Adams collection
2-Kopeks 1797, no mm, date in large numbers, novodel (H_ 192; B 68A). Uncirculated, dark tone,
rare. £100-120
2-Kopeks 1799 EM (H 194; B 75). Red, brilliant mint state. £80-100
2-Kopeks (3), 1800 EM, 1801 KM, 1801 EM (H 194; B 79). About uncirculated, the second scarce
and illustrated. (3) £120-150
Silver coins
5-Kopeks 1798 CM-MB, original, (H 196; Sev 2407; Uzd 1285). Uncirculated. £50-70
10-Kopeks 1798 CM-OM (Sev 2414; Uzd 1290). About uncirculated, scarce. £80-100
Polupoltinnik (4-Rouble) 1798 CM-MB (Sev 2416). About extremely fine, rare. £160-180
Poltina (4-Rouble) 1798 CM-MB (H 199; Sev 2422; Uzd 1282). About uncirculated. £220-250
Rouble 1797 CM-FU, the Heavy Rouble, large size, rev engraved inventory number 452 (H
201; Sev 2448; Uzd 1294). Lustrous about uncirculated, rare. £550-600
From J Q Adams collection
Rouble 1799 CM-MB, lettered edge (H 201; Sev 2452; Uzd 1279). Mint state, rare thus. £250-280
Rouble-sized coronation Medal 1797, silver, by C Meissner, portrait - bewigged and ribboned
bust right, rev cross in plain field, 38mm (Sev 2388). Extremely fine, rare. £200-240
Coronation Medal 1797, silver, by Leberecht, portrait - bewigged and ribboned bust right, rev
cross in plain field, 43mm. Hairlines on obverse and reverse, about uncirculated, much rarer than the
previous piece. £240-260
Paul I, Inauguration Jetton, silver, 20mm (Reichel 2964). Extremely fine, rare. £30-40
Alexander I (1801-1825)
Copper coins
Polushka 1802 EM, novodel (H 205; B 3; GM P120, 15). Red, brilliant mint state, rare. | £180-200
Polushka 1805-KM (H 206; B 15). Red, brilliant mint state, some dark tone, rare. £180-200
Polushka 1808 EM, original (H 205; B 20; GM PI6, 8). Extremely fine, rare. £180-200
Polushka 1809 KM (H 206; B 22). Brilliant mint state, rare. £180-200
Denga 1805 EM, original (H 208; B 38). Very fine. £60-80
Kopek 1802 EM, novodel (H 216; B 47). Red, brilliant mint state. £180-200
Pattern Kopek 1810 SPB-MK (H 221; Uzd 3104). Red and green patina, uncirculated, rare. £120-140
Pattern Kopek 1810 EM-HM, novodel (B 180; Uzd 3105). Uncirculated, rare. £160-180
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Kopek 1811 IM-MK (Izhorsk mint) (H 219; B 194; Uzd 3139). About uncirculated, rare. £60-80
From J Q Adams collection
Kopek 1812 IM-PC (Izhorskmint), (B 199). Very fine. £40-60
From J Q Adams collection
2-Kopeks 1802 EM, novodel (Ekaterinburg) (H 222; B 76; Uzd 3006). Red, proof. £250-280
Ex Klingert collection, Hess catalogue, Frankfurt a/M 1910, lot 2282
2-Kopeks 1810 EM-HM, straight date, eagle of special design (B 235). Very fine, rare. £70-90
Pattern 2-Kopeks 1810 EM-HM, novodel (B 240; Uzd 3094). Mint state, rare. £160-180
Pattern 2-Kopeks 1810, copper, by Leberecht, portrait, rev eagle, value, date (B 97; Uzd 3101;
GM PI7, 13). Very fine. £200-220
LH comments: "The original is excessively rare - | have never seen one for sale. This is only a cast copy, the condition
is quite nice”.
2-Kopeks (6), 1811 EM-HM (H 224; B 258), 1812 IM-PC (H 225), 1813 IM-PC (H 225; B 276),
1813 EM-HM, 1813 SPB-PC (H 224), PM-PC (H 219; B 281). Very fine to extremely fine, the last
rare. (6) £160-180
5-Kopeks 1802 EM, novodel (H 229; B 104; Uzd 3002; GM P120, 10). Red, about mint state, very
rare. £300-350
5-Kopeks 1803 EM, 42.5mm, original (H 229; B 111). Obverse flaw at 11 o'clock red, extremely
fine. £100-120
5-Kopeks 1804 EM, 42.5mm (H 229; B 115; Uzd 3037). Very fine, rare. £80-100
From J Q Adams collection
5-Kopeks 1808 EM (H 229; B 130; Uzd 3071; GM P16, 6). Fine, very rare. £70-90
5-Kopeks 1809 KM, novodel (H 230; B 136; Uzd 3082). Very fine, toned, rare. £220-250
5-Kopeks (3), 1811 SPB-FG, 1813 SPB-PC, 1821 SPB-PD (H 231). The first very fine, scarce, second
fine, third extremely fine. (3) £40-60
Second and third from J OQ Adams collection
Silver coins
10-Kopeks 1811 SPB-FG, novodel, new design (H 233; Sev 2616; Uzd 1398). Extremely fine, rare.
From J Q Adams collection EP ae
20-Kopeks 1810 SPB-FG (H 234; Sev 2610). Extremely fine. £60-80
From J Q Adams collection
20-Kopeks 1811 SPB-FG (H 234). Very fine. £60-80
From J Q Adams collection.
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20-Kopeks 1813 SPB-PC (H 234). About extremely fine, toned. £50-60
From J Q Adams collection
20-Kopeks 1814 SPB-MEF, novodel (H 234). About extremely fine, scarce. £60-80
20-Kopeks 1820 SPB-PD (H 234). About extremely fine, toned. £60-80
From J Q Adams collection
Poltina (%-Rouble) 1810 SPB-FG, lettered edge 83 1/3, original (H 239; Sev 2611). Very fine,
toned, rare. £180-200
From J Q Adams collection
Poltina (?2-Rouble) 1817 SPB-PC, lettered edge (H 239; Sev 2730). Very fine, toned. £100-120
From J Q Adams collection
Rouble 1804 SPB-FG, lettered edge (H 240; Sev 2545; Uzd 1353). Extremely fine. £130-150
Rouble 1809 SPB-MK, lettered edge (H 241; Sev 2593). Prooflike mint state, rare thus. £250-300
Rouble 1839, The Borodino Monument Commemorative Rouble by Gube (H 336; Sev 3303;
Uzd 4192). Brilliant proof, toned, rare. £900-1000
Pattern Rouble 1804, bronze, by Kiichler, uniformed bust, rev large cross, date 18-04 (Sev 2552;
Uzd see page 655, photo 2-3). Proof, in original copper shells, as issued, rare. £450-500
Pattern %4-Rouble 1804, bronze, by Kiichler, queued bust, rev eagle, no date (Sev 2550; Uzd see
page 655). Proof, in original copper shells, as issued, rare. £260-300
LH comments: “These 1804 Rouble and %-Rouble “Patterns” were struck at Matthew Boulton’s Soho Mint,
Birmingham, England, on the machines intended for sale to the St Petersburg mint.”
"Pattern - trial 5-Francs" by Tiolier, commemorative for the Allied occupation of Paris, April
1814, Alexander I monogram, rev ball containing 3 fleurs-de-lis, copper, 37mm (Keichel 3284).
Extremely fine, uneven tone, rare. £300-350
LH comments: "This is an unlisted variety with plain edge”.
Nicholas I (1825-1855)
Copper coins
Set of copper Patterns 1840 EM (5) comprising 3-Kopeks SPB (H 293, B 206; Uzd 3370), 2.
Kopeks SPB (H 285; B 165; Uzd 3375), 1-Kopek SPB (H 272; B 102; Uzd 3380), ¥%-Kopek SPB (H
258; B 38; Uzd 3385), %4-Kopek SPB (H 249; B 5). All proof, very rare. (5) £1500-1700
Pattern 4-Kopek 1840, no mm, (H 247; B 5 not priced; Uzd 3393). Proof, rare. £500-550
LH comments: "This is the second specimen I have seen".
Y4-Kopek (3) 1840 SPM (H 249; B 4), 1842 EM (H 248; B 9), 1843 EM (H 248; B 12). Very fine,
first scarce. (3) £50-65
Polushka 1850 EM (H 251; B 22). Rim marks, brilliant mint state, toned. £50-60
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%-Kopek 1840 SPM (H 258; B 39). Mint state, rare. £130-150
Pattern %-Kopek 1840 SPB (H 258 not priced; B 38 not priced; Uzd 3385). Red proof, rare. £150-170
'4-Kopek 1842 SPM (H 258; B 46). Red, mint state, rare. £60-80
Y%-Kopek 1848, MW (Warsaw mint) (H 260; B 53; Uzd 3462). Extremely fine, rare. £220-240
Kopek 1828, EM-IK (H 264; B 72). Overstrike, extremely fine. £40-60
Kopek 1829, EM-IK (H 264; B 75). Red, brilliant mint state. £60-80
Kopek (2), 1832 EM-FX, wings down (H 267), 1833 EM-FX, wings down (H 267). Extremely
fine, the first illustrated. (2) £80-100
Kopek 1840 EM (2) (H 271; B 99). Red, brilliant mint state, rare thus. (2) £100-120
Kopek (3) 1842 SPM (H 272; B 109), very fine; 1853 BM (H 276; B 127), very fine, scarce; 1854 EM
(H 247; B 128), spots, otherwise extremely fine. (3) £80-100
2-Kopeks (2) 1826 IK-KM (H 277; B 131), about extremely fine, toned; 1837 EM-HA (H 280; B
153), red uncirculated, this illustrated. (2) £50-70
2-Kopeks (3) 1843 SPM (H 285; B 178), 1844 EM (H 284; B 179), 1852 EM (H 288; B 191). All
red, about extremely fine, the first illustrated. (3) £100-120
Copper Specimen Set (4) %4-, %-, 1-, 2-Kopeks 1840, all EM (H 247-257, 27 We 264) Dez oOo,
160). Red, prooflike mint state, rare. (4) £250-280
Pattern 3-Kopeks 1827 SPB, wings down (Harris -; B 200; Uzd 3258). Extremely fine, toned, rare.
Pattern 3-Kopeks 1840 SPB (H 293; B 206; Uzd 3370). Proof, very rare. £330-350
Pattern Kopek 1830 EM-FX (H 267; B 77; Uzd 3290). Red, uncirculated. £200-220
Pattern Kopek 1830 SPB, no mm (H 268; B 78; Uzd 3281). Proof, as struck, very rare. £250-280
Pattern 2-Kopeks 1830 SPB, no mm, (H 281; B 143 not priced; Uzd 3223). Red, proof, very rare.
Only 29 pieces minted
Pattern 5-Kopeks 1830 SPB, no mm (H 300; B 238; Uzd 3279). Golden toned, proof, very rare.
Only 25 pieces minted £380-400
Pattern 5-Kopeks 1830 EM, no mm (H 299; B 239; Uzd 3281). Minor marks, proof, rare. £380-400
Pattern 10-Kopeks 1830 SPB, no mm (H 306; B 273; Uzd 3214). Some marks in field, otherwise
prooflike mint state, very rare. £380-400
Only 25 pieces minted
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Pattern 2-Kopeks 1830 EM, no moneyer, novodel (H_ 280; B 144; GM 685). Lacquered, extremely
fine. £250-280
5-Kopeks 1831 EM-FX, bronze (H 299; B 242). Weak strike in centre, extremely fine, siluered. £80-90
5-Kopeks 1831 EM-FX, bronze (H 299; B 242). Red, extremely fine. £100-120
5-Kopeks 1833 EM-FX, bronze (H 299; B 246). Red, extremely fine. £80-100
5-Kopeks 1835 EM-FX, bronze (H 299; B 250). Red, extremely fine. £80-100
5-Kopeks 1851 BK (Warsaw) (H 304; B 266; Uzd 3427). Good very fine, rare. £100-120
Pattern 10-Kopeks 1830 EM, no mm (H 306; B 275 not priced; Uzd 3276). Minor hairlines and
nicks, very fine, toned, very rare. £350-380
Only 25 pieces minted
10-Kopeks 1833 EM-FX, original (H 305; B 281). About extremely fine, rare. £120-140
10-Kopeks 1834 EM-FX, original (H 305; B 282). Spots, about extremely fine, rare. £120-140
Set of copper St Petersburg Patterns, 1849 SPM (5), comprising Denezhka (H 262; B 56; Uzd
3472; GM P1559), prooflike mint state; Kopek (H 275; B 119; Uzd 3470; GM P1558), proof; 2-
Kopeks (H 289; B 186; Uzd 3468; GM P1557), proof; 3-Kopeks 1849, SPM (H 297, B.225; Uzd
3465; GM P1556), about uncirculated; 5-Kopeks (H 303; B 262a; Uzd 3463; GM P1562), proof,
darkly toned. (5) £1200-1400
LH comments: "Only a few pieces each of these patterns were made and they are extremely rare. They are found
only in first class collections, such as Tolstoi, Klingert and GM. The Polushka is missing from this set.”
Silver coins
5-Kopeks 1826 SPB-HG, wings down (H 309). Mint state. £50-60
5-Kopeks 1826 SPB-HG, wings up (H 308). About extremely fine, rare. £60-80
5-Kopeks 1830 SPB-HG, wings down (H 309). Extremely fine. £50-60
5-Kopeks 1831 SPB-HG, wings down (H 309). Extremely fine. £40-50
5-Kopeks 1831 SPB-HG, wings down (H 309). Cleaned extremely fine. £50-60
5-Kopeks 1832 SPB-HG, wings up (H 310). Extremely fine. £40-50
5-Kopeks 1833 SPB-HG, wings up (H 310). Mint state. £40-50
5-Kopeks 1837 SPB-HG, wings up (H 310). Extremely fine. £20-30
5-Kopeks 1845 SPB-KB (2), wings up (H 310). Proof. (2) £60-80
5-Kopeks 1850 SPB-PA, wings up (H 310). Patina, proof. £50-60
5-Kopeks 1853 SPB-HI, wings up (H 310). Proof. £50-60
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10-Kopeks 1826 SPB-HG, wings down (H 312). Extremely fine. £40-50
10-Kopeks 1827 SPB-HG, wings down (H 312). Very fine. £30-40
10-Kopeks 1853 SPB-HI, wings up (H 313). Patina, proof. £60-80
20-Kopeks 1826 SPB-HG, wings up (H 317). Rim flaw, uneven tone, very fine, rare. £40-60
From J Q Adams collection
20-Kopeks 1851 SPB-PA, wings up (H 319). Prooflike mint state. £60-80
From J Q Adams collection
25-Kopeks 1831 SPB-HG, wings down (H 321). Prooflike mint state, patina, rare. £60-80
25-Kopeks 1848 SPB-HI, wings up (H 322). Extremely fine. £70-90
50-Kopeks (Poltina) 1849 SPB-PA, lettered edge (H 327). About extremely fine. £40-60
Rouble 1839 SPB-NG (H 333; Sev 3305; Uzd 1585; GM P118, 10). Extremely fine, toned, lustre.
LH comments: "This is the rarest of Russian Roubles. Since Klingert, 1910, and Tolstoi sale in 1913, I have encountered only two coins
of this fantastic rarity. It is a real lifetime dream to own this coin which is found only in the greatest Russian collections".
Rouble 1844 SPB-KB, lettered edge (H 333; Sev 3455). Prooflike, toned, rare. £450-480
Rouble 1845 SPB-KB, lettered edge (H 333; Sev 3479). Proof, toned, rare. £450-480
Rouble 1851 SPB-PA, lettered edge (H 333; Sev 3583). Proof, toned, rare. £450-480
Rouble 1850 SPB-PA, lettered edge (H 333; Sev 3569). Proof, toned, very rare. £550-600
Rouble 1834, commemorative by Gube, on unveiling of Alexander I monument in St Petersburg,
bust, rev Alexander column (H 335; Sev 3061). Proof, minor hairlines, green tone. £240-260
Pattern Rouble 1845, bronze, 36mm, lettered edge, struck on the Thonnelier Press, MODULE
(Sev 3484; GM P141, 17). Red, extremely fine, very rare. £400-450
LH comments: "This pattern was struck in Paris by a private company and offered to the SPB mint authorities”.
Pattern Demi-Imperial (5 Roubles) 1845, copper (Sev 3486A; GM P141, 18). Yellow/red, mint
state, very rare. £300-350
LH comments: "This pattern was struck in Paris by a private company and offered to the SPB mint authorities".
Constantine I (1825 November-December)
Copper specimen striking of the Constantine Rouble 1825, original, plain edge, 36mm, weight
17.60g. Prooflike mint state, deeply toned, unique. £12000-15000
LH comments: "The coin has been inspected thoroughly by two leading experts in Russian numismatics - Moscow
Historical Museum and Hermitage in St Petersburg. Both reports were done independently and the results were
favourable. The research is supported with original authoritative documents from both museums. Neither museum
has an example of this coin. Copies of the reports are sold with the coin."
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Alexander II (1855-1881)
Copper coins
Polushka 1855 BM (Warsaw) (H 353; B 2). About extremely fine, scarce. £40-60
Polushka 1858 EM (H 352; B 5A not priced). About extremely fine, rare. £30-40
Polushka 1861 BM (H 355; B 10). Very fine, rare. £40-50
“4-Kopek (4) 1869 EM, 1870 EM, 1872 EM, 1873 EM (H 356; B 21, 23, 27, 28). Red, mint state, the
last illustrated. (4) £120-150
Y4-Kopek 1875 EM (H 356; B 30). Red, proof, rare. £60-80
Y%-Kopek (2) 1879 SPB, 1881 SPB (H 357; B 35, 37). About extremely fine. (2) £60-80
Specimen Set, St Petersburg 1867 (6), comprising “4-Kopek (H 357; B 18), 24 pieces minted,
uncirculated; ¥2-Kopek (H 363; B 62), 24 pieces minted, uncirculated; Kopek (H 369; B 105), 39
pieces minted, proof; 2-Kopeks (H 375; B 150), 54 pieces minted, proof; 3-Kopeks (H 381; B 193),
54 pieces minted, inventory number in field, red, uncirculated; 5-Kopeks 1867 SPB (H 386; B 230),
44 pieces minted, red, proof; all rare. (6) £300-350
Denezhka (4-Kopek) 1855 EM (H 358). Very fine, toned. £30-40
Denezhka (14-Kopek) (2) 1857 BM (H 359; B 44), 1857 EM (H 358; B 43). Red mint state. (2)
Denezhka (%4-Kopek) (2) 1861 BM (H 361; B 10), very fine, scarce; 1862 EM (H 360; B 53),
extremely fine, toned. (2) £50-70
Denezhka (%4-Kopek) 1863 EM (H 360; B 55). Prooflike, deep green patina. £50-60
4%-Kopek 1869 EM (H 362; B 65). Red, mint state. £50-60
%-Kopek 1872 EM (H 362; B 71). Prooflike mint state, rare. £50-60
4%-Kopek 1877 SPB (H 363; B 76). Red, extremely fine. £50-60
¥%-Kopek 1879 SPB (H 363; B 78). Very fine, toned. £40-50
¥%-Kopek 1880 SPB (H 363; B 79). Extremely fine, rare. £40-50
Kopek 1855 EM (H 364; B 81). Red, mint state, but dull. £50-60
Kopek 1855 BM (Warsaw) (H 365). Fine. £40-50
Kopek 1857 EM (H 364; B 86). Red, mint state. £40-50
Kopek 1858 EM (H 364; B 87). Extremely fine, toned. £40-50
Kopek 1858 BM (Warsaw) (H 365; B 88). Very fine, rare. £60-80
Kopek 1859 BM (Warsaw) (H 365; B 90). Very fine. £50-60
Kopek 1860 BM (Warsaw) (H 367; B 92). Very fine. £40-50
Kopek (2) 1861 EM (H 366; B 93) 1862 BM (Warsaw) (H 367; B 96). Very fine and fine. (2) £50-60
Kopek 1866 EM (H 366; B 102). Proof, iridescent patina. £80-100
Kopek (4) 1872 EM (H 368; B 114), 1879 SPB (H 369; B 122), 1880 SPB. (E1369; B23 )eiced
extremely fine or better. (4) £70-90
Specimen Set of 1861 (6), comprising 5-Kopeks, SPB/FB (H 388), 10-Kopeks, no mm, Paris
mint (H 391; Sev 3715), 15-Kopeks, no mm, Paris mint (H 392; Sev 3716), 20-Kopeks, no mm,
Paris mint (H 395; Sev 3720), 20-Kopeks, SPB-MI (H 395; Sev 3722), rare mint master, Poltina
(4-Rouble), SPB FB (H 400; Sev 3725). Prooflike mint state, the last a proof with minor hairlines,
rare, illustrated. (6) £350-400
Specimen set of 1867 (5), comprising 5-Kopeks, SPB-HI (H 388), uncirculated; 10-Kopeks, SPB-
HI (H 391), uncirculated; 15-Kopeks, SPB-HI (H 392), prooflike mint state; 20-Kopeks, SPB-HI (H
395), prooflike mint state; Poltina (%-Rouble), SPB-HI, lettered edge (H 400; Sev 3778), proof,
rare, illustrated. (5) £180-220
2-Kopeks 1855 BM (H 371; B 126). Extremely fine, rare. £50-70
2-Kopeks 1856 EM (H 370; B 125). Extremely fine. £50-60
2-Kopeks 1857 EM (H 370; B 127). Red, extremely fine, scarce. £50-60
2-Kopeks 1868 EM (H 374; B 106). Red, mint state. £50-60
2-Kopeks 1869 EM (H 374; B 153). Red, good very fine. £40-50
2-Kopeks 1869 SPB (H 375; B 154). Red, prooflike mint state. £50-60
2-Kopeks 1873 EM (H 374; B 160). Extremely fine. £40-50
2-Kopeks 1874 EM (H 374; B 161). Red, mint state. £50-60
2-Kopeks 1875 EM (H 374; B 162). Red, stains, otherwise mint state. £50-60
2-Kopeks 1879 SPB (H 375; B 167). Red, mint state. £50-60
2-Kopeks 1880 SPB (H 375; B 168). Extremely fine, toned. £40-50
3-Kopeks (2) 1857 EM (H 376; B 172), 1861 BM (H 379; B 183). Very fine, toned, the second coin
illustrated. (2) £60-80
3-Kopeks 1869 SPB (H 381; B 197). Red, prooflike mint state. £50-60
3-Kopeks 1870 EM (H 380; B 198). Mint state, toned. £50-60
3-Kopeks 1874 EM (H 380; B 204). Red, extremely fine. £30-40
3-Kopeks 1875 EM (H 380; B 205). Red, prooflike mint state. £50-60
3-Kopeks 1877 SPB (H 381; B 208). Extremely fine, green tone.
3-Kopeks 1879 SPB (H 381; B 210). Red, proof, rare.
3-Kopeks 1880 SPB (H 381; B 211). About extremely fine.
3-Kopeks 1881 SPB (H 381; B 211). Red, about extremely fine.
5-Kopeks 1858 EM (H 384; B 216). Red, prooflike mint state.
5-Kopeks 1863 EM (H 384; B 224). Red, extremely fine.
5-Kopeks 1864 EM (H 384; B 225). Extremely fine, yellow tone, rare.
5-Kopeks 1865 EM (H 384; B 226). Red, extremely fine.
5-Kopeks 1868 SPB (H 386 B 232). Red, proof, rare.
5-Kopeks 1869 EM (H 386; B 233). Red, extremely fine.
5-Kopeks 1872 EM (H 385; B 339). Red, mint state.
5-Kopeks 1875 EM (H 385; B 242). Red, proof.
5-Kopeks 1876 SPB (H 386; B 243). Extremely fine.
5-Kopeks 1878 SPB (H 386; B 246). Red, extremely fine.
5-Kopeks 1879 SPB (H 386; B 247). Red, prooflike mint state.
5-Kopeks 1881 SPB (H 386; B 249). Extremely fine, dark tone.
Silver coins
5-Kopeks 1855 SPB-HI (H 387; Sev 3632). Proof, rare.
5-Kopeks 1856 SPB-FB (H-387; Sev 3639). Extremely fine, scarce.
5-Kopeks 1857 SPB-FB (H 387; Sev 3645). Mint state, rare.
10-Kopeks 1855 SPB-HI (H 389; Sev 3627). Mint state, scarce.
10-Kopeks 1857 SPB-FB (H 389; Sev 3646). Proof.
10-Kopeks 1868 SPB-HI (H 391; Sev 3781). Mint state, scarce.
10-Kopeks (2) 1873 SPB-HI (H 391; Sev 3819), 1876 SPB-HI (H 391; Sev 3581). Extremely fine.
10-Kopeks (2) 1879 SPB-HF (H 391; Sev 3891), 1880 SPB-HF (H 391; Sev 3898). Very fine. (2) £50-70
10-Kopeks 1861 SPB-HI (Harris-; Severin-; Uzdenikov -). Prooflike mint state, probably unique.
LH comments: "The coin has not been recorded in any previous references and has never been on sale. The 15-
Kopeks 1861 HI is also unique (See H 392). Today it is in a private collection in US".
15-Kopeks (2) 1865 SPB-HF, 1866 SPB-HEF (H 392). Extremely fine. (2) £70-90
15-Kopeks (3) 1870 SPB-HI, 1871 SPB-HI, 1872 SPB-HI (H 392). Extremely fine. (3) £100-120
From J Q Adams collection
15-Kopeks 1881 SPB-HF (H 392). Proof. £70-90
20-Kopeks 1855 HI (H 393; Sev 3635). Prooflike extremely fine, uneven tone. £40-50
20-Kopeks 1856 FB (H 393). Proof, dark tone. £60-80
20-Kopeks 1857 FB (H 393). Prooflike mint state. £50-70
20-Kopeks 1865 SPB-HI (H 395). Mint state. £50-60
20-Kopeks 1866 SPB-HI (H 395). About extremely fine. £30-40
20-Kopeks 1868 SPB-HI (H 395). Mint state. £50-60
20-Kopeks 1869 SPB-HI (H 395). Extremely fine. £50-60
20-Kopeks 1872 SPB-HI (H 395). About extremely fine. £50-60
20-Kopeks 1873 SPB-HI (H 395). Mint state. £50-60
20-Kopeks 1875 SPB-HI (H 395). Very fine. 3 £30-40
20-Kopeks 1877 SPB-HI (H 395). Very fine, stains. £30-40
20-Kopeks 1880 SPB-HF (H 395). Mint state. £50-60
25-Kopeks 1856 SPB-FB (H 396). Prooflike extremely fine. £60-80
25-Kopeks 1857 SPB-FB (H 396). Proof, scarce. £70-90
25-Kopeks 1858 SPB-FB (H 396; Sev 3659). Light hairlines, polished, prooflike, extremely fine. £60-80
25-Kopeks 1859 SPB-FB (H 398; Sev 3676). Prooflike, mint state. £60-80
25-Kopeks 1877 SPB-HF (H 398; Sev 3871). Prooflike mint state. £60-80
Poltina (50-Kopeks) 1857, SPB-FB (H 399). Light hairlines, prooflike, scarce. £140-160
Uniface Pattern strikings (4) in pewter, 1858 SPB, obverse only, 5-Kopeks, 10-Kopeks, 20-
Kopeks, 25-Kopeks (Sev 3663, 3664, 3665, 3666). Light spots, prooflike extremely fine, unique in
pewter. (4) £1600-1800
LH comments: "The set comes from the famous M Garshine rare coins collection, sold in 1931 auction by Jacques
Schulman. The set has never been seen since then on any major auctions or private sales. They are extremely rare.
There were only 2 sets of 1858 silver patterns in existence in the private coin cabinet of Alexander II, George
Michailovich received one set of these patterns from Alexander II. Tolstoi never had these patterns in his collection
and George Michailovich never heard of their existence before. The pewter set is the only known".
oo loley
Pattern 25-Kopeks 1860 SPB-FB (H 396; Sev 3688). Hairlines, otherwise prooflike mint state, rare.
Pattern Poltina (%-Rouble) 1860, lettered edge 83 1/3 (H 400; Sev 3704; Uzd 1768). Proof,
attractive tone, rare. £250-280
Poltina (50-Kopeks) 1858 SPB-FB, lettered edge (H 399). Extremely fine, toned. £100-120
From J Q Adams collection
Poltina (50-Kopeks) 1859 SPB-FB, lettered edge (H 400; Sev 3678). Light hairlines and stain,
proof. £150-170
Poltina (72-Rouble) 1866 SPB-HF, lettered edge (H 400; Sev 3771; Uzd 1835). About extremely
fine, rare. £140-160
Poltina (%2-Rouble) 1877 SPB-HI, lettered edge 83 1/3 (H 400; Sev 3873). Extremely fine, rare.
Poltina (%-Rouble) 1880 SPB-HF, lettered edge (H 400; Sev 3902). Extremely fine, rare. £80-100
Rouble 1858 SPB, lettered edge (H 401; Sev 3662; Uzd 1741). Brushed, extremely fine, rare. £180-200
Rouble 1859 SPB-FB, lettered edge 83 1/3 (H 402; Sev 3676; Uzd 1754). Light hairlines, proof,
very rare. £750-800
Rouble 1859, Nicholas I Memorial, head, rev equestrian monument (H 403; Sev 3681). Minor
hairlines, proof, rare thus. £450-500
Pattern Rouble 1859, by Lialin, striking in copper, bust, rev monument, ‘Rouble’ is missing
from exergue, co-engravers letter B.A (Sev 3683; Uzd page 654, photo 25). Prooflike mint state.
Ex M Garshine collection, J Schulman auction, Amsterdam December 1931
LH comments: "I have never seen a second piece, possibly unique’.
Rouble 1864 SPB-HF, lettered edge 83 1/3 (H 402; Sev 3751; Uzd 1819). Slight rim nicks,
extremely fine, rare. £200-240
Rouble 1865 SPB-HF, lettered edge 83 1/3 (H 402; Sev 3758; Uzd 1826). Light hairlines, proof,
rare. £380-420
Rouble 1866 SPB-HI, lettered edge 83 1/3 (H 402; Sev 3772). Extremely fine, toned, rare. £280-320
Rouble 1866 SPB-HI, lettered edge (H 402; Sev 3772). Light scratches, good very fine, rare. £150-170
Rouble 1868 SPB-HI, lettered edge (H 402; Sev 3786). Light hairlines, proof, rare. £240-260
Rouble 1869 SPB-HI, lettered edge 83 1/3 (H 402; Sev 3793). About extremely fine, toned, rare.
Rouble 1871 SPB-HI, lettered edge 83 1/3 (H 402; Sev 3817). Proof, rare. £280-300
Rouble 1872 SPB-HI, lettered edge 83 1/3 (H 402; Sev 3825). Mint state, rare. £180-200
Rouble 1875 SPB-HI, lettered edge 83 1/3 (H 402; Sev 3849). Hairlines, extremely fine, rare. £200-240
Rouble 1878 SPB-HF, lettered edge (H 402). About extremely fine. £120-140
Rouble 1879 SPB-HE, lettered edge (H 402). Fields scuffed, about extremely fine, rare. £120-140
Brussels Mint Patterns a
Pattern 2-Kopeks 1863 EM, (Brussels), denomination, rev eagle, 28mm, struck in nickel (B 143;
Uzd 4040; GM P128, 11). Mint state, very rare. £250-300
Pattern 10-Kopeks 1871, portrait of Alexander I, rev denomination and date within wreath,
nickel (B 1; Uzd 4041; GM P128, 12). Proof, rare. £250-300
Pattern 10-Kopeks 1871, portrait of Alexander I, rev denomination, nickel (B 3). Proof. £250-300
Alexander III (1881-1894)
Copper coins
Y4-Kopek (2) 1882 SPB (H 408; B 2), 1883 SPB (H 408; B 3). About extremely fine, scarce. (2) £60-80
Y%4-Kopek 1884 SPB (H 408; B 4). Red, mint state, rare. £50-60
Y%4-Kopek (2) 1885 SPB, 1886 SPB (H 408). Very fine and extremely fine. (2) £50-60
Y%4-Kopek 1887 SPB (2) (H 408). Extremely fine, scarce. (2) £60-70
Y4-Kopek 1888 SPB (H 408). Mint state, patina, scarce. £50-60
Y-Kopek 1890 SPB (H 408). Red, prooflike mint state. £50-60
Y%4-Kopek 1891 SPB (2) (H 408). Red, about mint state and mint state. (2) £60-70
“%-Kopek 1892 SPB (H 408). Red, mint state. £50-60
’2-Kopek (2) 1882 SPB, 1884 SPB (H 409). Very fine and proof, the second illustrated. (2) £70-90
’2 Kopek (2) 1885 SPB, 1886 SPB (H 409). Extremely fine and red mint state. (2) £60-80
’2 Kopek (2) 1887 SPB, 1888 SPB (H 409). About extremely fine and extremely fine, toned. (2) £60-80
‘2 Kopek (2) 1889 SPB, 1890 SPB (H 409). Red, extremely fine and fitien (2) £40-60
2 Kopek (2) 1893 SPB, 1894 SPB (H 409). Red, mint state and very fine, scarce, last illustrated. (2) £80-100
Kopek (3) 1883 SPB, 1884 SPB, 1887 SPB (H 410). First two mint state, toned, last extremely fine,
silvered. (3) £50-70
Kopek 1890 SPB (H 410). Red, some dark spots, proof, rare. £60-70
Kopek (2) 1892 SPB, 1894 SPB (H 410). Extremely fine, the first with dark tone, the second red,
scarce. (2) £40-50
2-Kopeks 1882 SPB (H 411). Red, proof. £60-70
2-Kopeks (3) 1885 SPB, 1887 SPB, 1888 SPB (H 411). Extremely fine or better. (3) £100-120
2-Kopeks 1891 SPB (H 411). Red, proof. £60-70
2-Kopeks 1893 SPB (H 411). Red, proof. £60-70
Pattern 3-Kopeks 1882, nickel, struck in Paris, legend in French: LeNickel: Specimen All, 25.75
1882, rev legend in Russian: Mednaya Rossiiskaya 3-Kopeiki. Extremely fine, very rare. £400-450
LH comments: "Only the 3rd specimen is known since the Garshine rare coin sale by J Schulman in 1931".
3-Kopeks 1882 SPB (H 412). Red, proof. £100-120
3-Kopeks (2) 1883 SPB, 1884 SPB (H 412). Red, mint state and extremely fine, toned. (2) £70-80
3-Kopeks (3) 1891 SPB, red, mint state; 1892 SPB, about extremely fine, rare; 1893 SPB, red, mint
state. (H 412). (3) £80-100
Silver Coins
5-Kopeks (2) 1882 SPB-HF, mint state; 1884 SPB-AG, extremely fine. (H 413). (2) £60-70
5-Kopeks (2) 1885 SPB-AG, 1886 SPB-AG (H 413). Extremely fine. (2) £40-50
5-Kopeks (2) 1887 SPB-AG, 1888 SPB-AG (H 413). Extremely fine. (2) £40-50
5-Kopeks (3) 1889 SPB-AG, extremely fine, rare; 1890 SPB-AG, extremely fine; 1892 SPB-AG, mint
state. (H 413). (3) £80-100
10-Kopeks 1893 SPB-AG (H 414). Proof. £80-90
10-Kopeks (2) 1886 SPB-AG, 1894 SPB-AG (H 414). Extremely fine, the second rare. (2) £60-70
15-Kopeks 1886 SPB-AG (H 415). Extremely fine. £40-50
15-Kopeks 1888 SPB-AG (H 415; Sev 3980). Extremely fine, very rare. £250-280
Only 7 pieces struck
15-Kopeks 1890 SPB-AG (H 415). Mint state. £50-60
15-Kopeks 1891 SPB-AG (H 415). About extremely fine. £40-50
15-Kopeks 1893 SPB-AG (H 415). Prooflike mint state. £60-70
20-Kopeks 1884 SPB-AG (H 416). Very fine. £30-40
20-Kopeks 1886 SPB-AG (H 416). Mint state. £50-60
20-Kopeks 1887 SPB-AG (H 416). Proof, rare. £80-100
20-Kopeks 1890 SPB-AG (H 416). About extremely fine. £40-50
20-Kopeks 1891 SPB-AG (H 416). Mint state. £40-50
20-Kopeks 1893 SPB-AG (H 416). Extremely fine. £40-50
25-Kopeks 1881 SPB-HF (H 417; Sev 3912). Extremely fine, rare. £120-140
Only 2,000 minted
25-Kopeks 1884 SPB-AG (H 417; Sev 3946). About extremely fine. £180-200
Only 2,000 minted
25-Kopeks 1886 AG, lettered edge (H 418; Sev 3960). Proof, rare. £240-260
25-Kopeks 1887 AG, lettered edge (H 418; Sev 3974). Prooflike mint state, rare. £180-200
25-Kopeks 1888 AG, lettered edge (H 418; Sev 3982). Prooflike about extremely fine, toned, rare.
25-Kopeks 1890 AG, lettered edge (H 418; Sev 3996). Extremely fine, toned, rare. £200-220
25-Kopeks 1891 AG, lettered edge (H 418; Sev 4003). Prooflike mint state, rare. £200-220
25-Kopeks 1893 AG, lettered edge (H 418; Sev 4015). Hairlines, extremely fine, rare. £180-200
25-Kopeks 1894 AG, lettered edge (H 418; Sev 4019). Proof. £300-350
50-Kopeks 1886 AG, small AG under horse, lettered edge (H 420; Sev 3961). Maint state, dark
tone, rare. £400-440
Only 2,000 minted
50-Kopeks 1886 AG, small AG under horse, lettered edge (H 420; Sev 3961). Extremely fine,
rare. £300-330
50-Kopeks 1887 AG (Sev 3975). About extremely fine, rare. £200-240
50-Kopeks 1890 AG, lettered edge (H 420; Sev 3997). Mint state, toned. £280-300
Only 2,000 minted
50-Kopeks 1891 AG, lettered edge (H 420; Sev 4004). Prooflike mint state, dark tone, rare. £240-260
50-Kopeks 1893 AG, lettered edge (H 420; Sev 4016). Prooflike mint state, rare. £240-260
50-Kopeks 1894 AG, lettered edge (H 420; Sev 4021). Prooflike mint state, rare. £240-260
LH comments: "The 25-Kopeks 1881-1894 and Poltinas 1886-1894 all have low mintage and are rarely seen on the
Rouble 1881 SPB-HF (H 421; Sev 3914; Uzd 1957). Light scratch on reverse, extremely fine, scarce.
Rouble 1882 SPB-HF (H 421; Sev 3923). About extremely fine, rare. £200-220
Rouble 1883 AIII, Coronation in Moscow (H 422; Sev 3939). Proof, rare. £350-400
Rouble 1883 SPB-DC (H 421; Sev 3936; Uzd 1973). A few hairlines, about extremely fine, rare.
Rouble 1883 SPB-DC (H 421; Sev 3936; Uzd 1973). Good very fine. £250-280
Rouble 1884 SPB-AI (H 421; Sev 3948). Good very fine, rare. £120-150
Rouble 1885 SPB-AG (H 421; Sev 3955). Light hairlines, about extremely fine, rare. £280-300
Rouble 1887 AG, small portrait (H 423; Sev 3976; Uzd 2011). Light hairlines, about extremely
fine, toned, rare. £240-260
Rouble 1888 AG (H 423; Sev 3984). About extremely fine, rare. £150-170
Rouble 1890 AG (H 423; Sev 3998). Scuffed, about extremely fine, rare.
Rouble 1891 AG (H 423; Sev 4005). About mint state, rare.
Rouble 1892 AG (H 423; Sev 4010). Brilliant surfaces, extremely fine, rare.
Rouble 1893, AG (H 423; Sev 4017). Brilliant surfaces, prooflike mint state, rare.
Rouble 1894 AG (H 423; Sev 4022). Brilliant surfaces, in inventory numbers in reverse field,
lustrous mint state, rare.
Only 3007 minted
Silver Specimen set 1889 SPB-AG (7 coins), comprising 5-Kopeks (H 413), 10-Kopeks (H 414),
15-Kopeks (H 415), 20-Kopeks (H 416), 25-Kopeks, lettered edge (H 418; Sev 3989), 50-Kopeks,
lettered edge (H 420; Sev 3990), Rouble, SPB-AG on edge, (H 423; Sev 3391; Uzd 2026). Some
hairlines on the rouble, otherwise all extremely fine and rare. (7)
Only 1,002 minted of the Rouble and 50-Kopeks
LH comments: "Excessively rare date of Alexander III - one of the classic rarities known to collectors”.
10-Roubles 1894 AG, gold (H 427; Sev 547; Uzd 0311). About extremely fine, rare.
Only 1007 minted
Nicholas II (1894-1917)
Copper coins
%4-Kopek 1894 SPB (H 428; B 1). Red, proof, rare.
Only 2,000 minted.
%4-Kopek 1895 SPB (H 428; B 2). Red, prooflike mint state.
Y4-Kopek 1896 SPB (2) (H 428). Red, proof and extremely fine. (2)
Y%4-Kopek 1897 SPB (H 428). Red, proof.
Y%4-Kopek 1898 SPB (H 428). Red, prooflike mint state.
Y4-Kopek 1899 SPB (H 428). Mint state.
Y%4-Kopek 1900 SPB (H 428). Red, proof.
Y%-Kopek 1915, no mm (H 429). Red, extremely fine.
¥%-Kopek 1895 SPB (2) (H 430). Red, prooflike mint state. (2)
Specimen 4-Kopek 1896 SPB, struck at Birmingham, England (H 430). Red, proof, rare.
¥%-Kopek 1897 SPB (H 430). Proof.
¥%-Kopek 1898 SPB (H 430). Red, mint state.
¥%-Kopek 1899 SPB (H 430). Extremely fine, dark patina.
4-Kopek 1900 SPB (H 430). Red, proof.
%4-Kopek 1911 SPB (H 430). Extremely fine.
%-Kopek 1914 SPB (H 430). Mint state.
'4-Kopek 1914 SPB (H 430). Proof.
4-Kopek 1915 SPB (2) (H 431). Red, proof and mint state. (2)
Y%-Kopek 1916 SPB (H 431). Red, proof.
Kopek (2) 1895 SPB, 1896 SPB (H 432). Prooflike mint state and brown, extremely fine; the first
illustrated. (2)
Kopek (2) 1897 SPB, 1899 SPB (H 432). Red, proof and extremely fine; the first illustrated. (2) £70-90
Kopek 1899 SPB (H 432). Red, proof.
Kopek 1900 SPB (H 432). Red, proof.
Kopek 1911 SPB (H 432). Red, proof, lacquered.
Kopek 1914 SPB (H 432). Red prooflike mint state.
Kopek 1915, no mm (H 433). Red, proof.
Kopek 1916, no mm (H 433). Polished, very fine.
2-Kopeks 1896 SPB (H 434). Very fine, dark tone.
2-Kopeks 1897 SPB (H 434). Red, proof.
2-Kopeks 1899 SPB (H 434). Red, prooflike mint state.
2-Kopeks 1900 SPB (H 434). Red, proof.
2-Kopeks 1906 SPB (H 434). Red, prooflike mint state.
2-Kopeks 1911 SPB (H 434). Red, proof, lacquered.
2-Kopeks 1914 SPB (H 434). Red, proof.
2-Kopeks 1915, no mm (H 435). Red, prooflike.
2-Kopeks 1916, no mm (H 435). Red, proof.
3-Kopeks 1895 SPB (H 430). Red, prooflike mint state.
3-Kopeks 1896 SPB (H 436). Red, stain, extremely fine.
3-Kopeks 1897 SPB (H 436). Red, proof.
3-Kopeks 1898 SPB (H 436). Red, extremely fine.
3-Kopeks 1899 SPB (H 436). Dark and red, very fine.
3-Kopeks 1900 SPB (H 436). Deep patina, spots, proof.
lek le)
3-Kopeks 1901 SPB (H 436). Partial patina, spot by date, proof. £70-80
3-Kopeks 1911 SPB (H 436). Red, proof, lacquered. £80-90
3-Kopeks 1914 SPB (H 436). Dark tone, very fine. £30-40
3-Kopeks 1915, no mm (H 437). Red, proof. £80-90
3-Kopeks 1916, no mm (H 437). Dark tone, extremely fine. £30-40
5-Kopeks 1911 SPB (H 438). Brown, mint state, rare. £80-90
5-Kopeks 1916, no mm (H 439). Extremely fine, rare. £200-220
Silver Coins
5-Kopeks (3) 1897 SPB-AG, 1898 SPB-AG, 1899 SPB-AI (H 440). Extremely fine. (3) £80-100
5-Kopeks (3) 1900 SPB-FZ, 1901 SPB-FZ, 1905 SPB-AP (H 440). Extremely fine, the second better.
(3) £100-120
5-Kopeks (2) 1911 SPB-EB, 1914 SPB-BC (H 440). Mint state. (2) £60-80
5-Kopeks 1915 SPB-BC (H 440). Proof. £70-90
10-Kopeks (2) 1897 SPB-AG, 1898 SPB-AG (H 442). Extremely fine and mint state. (2) £60-70
10-Kopeks (2) 1899 SPB-AG, 1906 SPB-EB (H 442). Proof and extremely fine. (2) £100-120
10-Kopeks 1911 SPB-EB (H 442). Proof. £80-90
10-Kopeks (2) 1914 SPB-BC (H 442), 1915, no mm-BC (H 443). Mint state. (2) £60-80
10-Kopeks 1916 (2), no mm-BC (H 443), 1916, no mm, no moneyer, struck in Osaka, Japan.
Mint state, rare. £80-100
15-Kopeks (5) 1896 AG, 1898 SPB-AG, 1902 SPB-AP, 1906 SPB-EB, 1908 SPB-EB (H 445). Very
fine to mint state, the first scarce. (5) £100-120
15-Kopeks 1911 SPB-EB (H 445). Proof. £100-120
15-Kopeks 1914 SPB-BC (H 445). Proof. £80-100
15-Kopeks (2) 1915 SPB-BC, 1916 SPB-BC (H 446). Mint state. (2) £40-50
15-Kopeks 1916 SPB-BC (H 446). Proof. £80-100
15-Kopeks 1916 (2), no mm, no moneyer (H 447), struck in Osaka, Japan. Mint state, scarce. (2)
20-Kopeks (3) 1906, SPB-EB, 1908 SPB-EB, 1910 SPB-EB (H 448). The first good very fine,
illustrated, others very fine. (3) £60-70
20-Kopeks 1914 (2) SPB-BC (H 448). Toned, proof and about extremely fine. (2) £100-120
20-Kopeks (3) 1915, no mm-BC, 1916 (2), no mm-BC (H 449). Mint state. (3) £80-100
10-, 15-, 20-Kopeks 1917, no mm-BC (H 443). Mint state, rare. (3) £140-160
25-Kopeks 1895 (H 450; Sev 4024). Extremely fine, rare.
25-Kopeks 1896 (H 450; Sev 4029). About extremely fine, scarce.
25-Kopeks 1900 (H 450; Sev 4078). Proof, rare.
50-Kopeks 1895 AG, lettered edge (H 451; Sev 4025). Proof, toned, rare.
50-Kopeks 1896+, lettered edge, star on rim, Paris mint (H 454; Sev 4031). Proof, rare.
50-Kopeks 1896, lettered edge, star on rim, Paris mint (H 454; Sev 4031). Proof, beautiful
iridescent patina.
50-Kopeks 1897», lettered edge, star on rim, Paris mint (H 452; Sev 4041). Minimal hairlines,
about extremely fine, rare.
50-Kopeks 1898 AG, mintage unknown, lettered edge (H 451; Sev 4048; Uzd 2091). Toned
proof, rare.
LH comments: "Extremely rare and missing in most collections."
50-Kopeks 1899 AG, lettered edge (H 451; Sev 4064). Extremely fine, toned, rare.
From J Q Adams collection
50-Kopeks 1899 FZ, lettered edge (H 451; Sev 4066). About extremely fine, toned.
50-Kopeks 1899», lettered edge, Paris mint (H 452; Sev 4069). Proof, rare.
50-Kopeks 1900 FZ, lettered edge (H 451; Sev 4079). Proof, rare.
50-Kopeks 1906 EB, lettered edge (H 451; Sev 4123). Proof, rare.
50-Kopeks 1908 EB (H 451). Iridescent patina, proof, rare.
50-Kopeks 1911 EB, lettered edge (H 451; Sev 4151). Iridescent patina, proof, rare.
50-Kopeks 1912 EB, lettered edge (H 451). Extremely fine.
50-Kopeks 1913 BC, lettered edge (H 451). Extremely fine.
50-Kopeks 1914 BC, lettered edge (H 451; Sev 4185). Proof, rare.
Rouble 1896 AG, lettered edge (H 453). Fine hairlines, about extremely fine.
Rouble 1896+, Paris mint, lettered edge (H 452; Sev 4034). Deep patina, good very fine, scarce.
Rouble 1897 AG, lettered edge (H 453). About extremely fine, toned.
Rouble 1897+, Brussels mint, lettered edge (H 455; Sev 4044). Lightly brushed, brilliant proof.
Rouble 1897++, Brussels mint, lettered edge (H 455). Extremely fine.
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Rouble 1897, no mm, plain edge (H 453; Sev 4042; Uzd 2097). Very fine, very rare.
LH comments: "Excessively rare, particularly in so nice condition. This is the first I have seen."
Rouble 1898 AG, lettered edge (H 453). Extremely fine. £180-200
Rouble 1898**, Brussels mint (H 455). Proof, rare. £550-600
Rouble 1898**, Brussels mint (H 455). Proof, rare. £550-600
Rouble 1899 EB, lettered edge (H 453). Light scratches, proof, rare. £550-600
Rouble 1899 FZ, lettered edge (H 453). Patina, proof, rare. £550-600
Rouble 1899+*, Brussels mint (H 455). Extremely fine. £180-200
Rouble 1900 FZ, lettered edge (H 453). Edge nicks, extremely fine. £180-200
Rouble 1900 FZ, lettered edge (H 453). Extremely fine, rare. 2120-150
Rouble 1906 EB, lettered edge (H 453; Sev 4124). Proof, rare. £700-800
Rouble 1909 EB (H 453). Extremely fine, rare. £120-140
Rouble 1911 EB, lettered edge (H 453; Sev 4152). Very fine, toned, rare. £60-80
Rouble 1914 BC, lettered edge (H 453; Sev 4185). Mint state, rare. £150-170
Rouble 1915 BC, lettered edge (H 453; Sev 4194). Prooflike mint state, rare. £150-170
Rouble 1896 AG, Coronation of Nicholas II, lettered edge (H 456; Sev 4035). Proof. £500-550
Pattern Rouble 1898 AG - Griliches, bronze, head left, rev monument. Maint state, very rare,
possibly unique. £700-800
LH comments: “Ex Blank collection, Kopilev catalogue 1907, lot 518. Ex Klingert collection, Hess catalogue 1910, lot
3240. Ex Garshine collection, J Schulman catalogue 1931, lot 372. Since then no sales records known”.
Medal dedicated to Alexander II in Lubech, 1818-1881, silver, obv as Rouble, rev monument
(Blank 519). Numerous hairlines, proof. £300-350
Commemorative Rouble 1898 AG, on occasion of unveiling monument to Alexander II in
Moscow (H 457; Sev 4055; Uzd 4198). Light hairlines, polished, proof. © £500-550
Commemorative Rouble 1912 EB, lettered edge, centenary of the defeat of Napoleon (H 458;
Sev 4164). Prooflike mint state, scarce. £300-330
Rouble 1912 AB, Alexander III Memorial (H 459; Sev 4165). Deep tone, proof, rare. £900-1000
Pattern Rouble 1912, struck in copper, plain edge, no date (Sev 4166). Matt finish, extremely
fine, possibly unique. £900-1000
Ex Garshine collection, J Schulman catalogue, 1931. It appeared in Stack's auctions in 1971. The same specimen
appeared in H Christensen's auction in 1974. There is no record of a second piece sale. It is the rarest pattern known.
Rouble 1913 BC, lettered edge, Romanov dynasty Tercentenary - high relief. Extremely fine. £100-120
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Rouble 1913 BC, lettered edge, Romanov dynasty Tercentenary - low relief. Good very fine. £100-120
Rouble 1714-1914 BC, Gangut Rouble, lettered edge, bust of Peter I, rev double eagle.
Commemorating a naval victory over Sweden at Hangoe (Gangut) in 1714 (H 461; Sev 4187).
Mint state, rare.
Rouble 1714-1914, Gangut Rouble Pattern, in pewter, 2 pieces - obv and rev strikings pasted
together (Sev 4188, 4189; Uzd 623). Extremely fine, very rare, possibly unique. (2) £2000-2200
LH comments: “First seen in the Garshine collection, J Schulman catalogue, Amsterdam 1931, and never since then”.
Specimen Sets
Specimen Set 1901 (13 coins), comprising Kopek SPB (H 433), 2-Kopeks SPB (H 434), 3-Kopeks
SPB, spots, (H 436), 5-Kopeks SPB-FZ (H 440), 10-Kopeks SPB-FZ (H 442), 10-Kopeks SPB-AP
(H 442), 15-Kopeks SPB-FZ (H 445), 20-Kopeks SPB-FZ (H 448), 20-Kopeks SPB-AP (H 448),
25-Kopeks SPB (H 450), only 12 pieces minted, 50-Kopeks SPB-FZ (H 451), Rouble FZ (H 451;
Sev 4093), Rouble AP (H 451; Sev 4095). All mint state proofs, the coppers red, all rare, the 25-
Kopeks very rare. (13)
Specimen Set 1902 (8 coins), comprising Kopek SPB (H 432), 2-Kopeks SPB (H 434), 3-Kopeks
SPB (H 436), 5-Kopeks SPB-AP (H 440; Sev 4096), 15-Kopeks SPB-AP (H 445; Sev 4098), 20-
Kopeks SPB-AP (H 448; Sev 4099), 50-Kopeks AP (H 451; Sev 4100), Rouble AP (H 453; Sev
4101). All but 5-Kopeks mint state proofs, the coppers red, rare. (8) £2000-2400
Specimen Set 1903 (6 coins), comprising Kopek SPB (H 432), 2-Kopeks SPB (H 434), 3-Kopeks SPB
(H 436), 5-Kopeks SPB-AP (H 440; Sev 4102), 10-Kopeks SPB-AP (H 442; Sev 4103), 20-Kopeks
SPB-AP (H 448; Sev 4105). 10-Kopeks mint state, the others all mint state proofs, very rare. (6) £400-450
Specimen Set 1904 (7 coins), comprising Kopek SPB (H 432), 2-Kopeks SPB (H 434), 3-Kopeks
SPB (H 436), 10-Kopeks SPB-AP (H 442; Sev 4109), 15-Kopeks SPB-AP (H 445; Sev 4110), 20-
Kopeks AP (H 451; Sev 4112), 50-Kopeks AP (H 453; Sev 4113). 10- and 15-Kopeks extremely
fine, others mint state proofs, the proofs rare. (7) £1000-1200
Specimen Set 1905 (8 coins), comprising Kopek SPB (H 432), 2-Kopeks SPB (H 434), stain on
obverse; 3-Kopeks SPB (H 436), 5-Kopeks SPB-AP (H 440; Sev 4114), 10-Kopeks SPB-AP (H
442; Sev 4115), 15-Kopeks SPB-AP (H 445; Sev 4116), 20-Kopeks SPB-AP (H 448; Sev 4117),
Rouble AP (H 451; Sev 4118). 5-, 10-, 15- and 20-Kopeks extremely fine, others mint state proofs,
rare, the rouble very rare. (8) £1800-2000
Ex Sé6derman collection, Bank Hess-Leu Luzern 1967
Specimen Set 1907 (8 coins), comprising Kopek SPB (H 432), small spot on obverse; 2-Kopeks
SPB (H 434), stain on obverse; 3-Kopeks SPB (H 436), toned; 10-Kopeks SPB-EB (H 442; Sev
4225), 15-Kopeks SPB-EB (H 445; Sev 4126), 20-Kopeks SPB-EB (H 448; Sev 4127), 50-Kopeks
EB (H 451; Sev 4128), Rouble EB (H 453; Sev 4129). 15-Kopeks prooflike mint state, 20-Kopeks
extremely fine, others mint state proofs. (8) £1500-1800
Copper Proof Set 1908 (4 coins), comprising %-Kopek SPB (H 430), Kopek SPB (H 432), 2-
Kopeks SPB (H 434), 3-Kopeks SPB (H 436). Red and brown proofs, rare. (4) £350-380
Specimen Set 1909 (6 coins), comprising ’A-Kopek SPB (H 428), 4-Kopek SPB (H 430), 5-Kopeks
SPB-EB (H 440; Sev 4136), 10-Kopeks SPB-EB (H 442; Sev 4137), 15-Kopeks SPB-EB (H 445;
Sev 4138), 20-Kopeks EB (H 442; Sev 4139). Mostly good extremely fine, the 15-Kopeks possibly a
proof, all rare. (6) £400-450
Specimen Set 1910 (8 coins), comprising ’4-Kopek SPB (H 428), ’2-Kopek SPB (H 430), Kopek
SPB (H 432), 2-Kopeks SPB (H 434), 3-Kopeks SPB (H 436), 10-Kopeks SPB-EB (H 442) "a0.
Kopeks EB (H 451; Sev 4145), Rouble 1910 EB, lettered edge (H 453; Sev 4146). The eee
good extremely fine, others all mint state proofs, rare. (8) £1800-2000
Specimen Set 1912 (11 coins), comprising %-Kopek SPB (H 430), Kopek SPB (H 432), 2-Kopeks
SPB (H 434), 3-Kopeks SPB (H 436), 5-Kopeks SPB (H 438), 5-Kopeks SPB-EB (H 440; Sev
4153), 10-Kopeks SPB-EB (H 442; Sev 4155), 15-Kopeks SPB-EB (H 445; Sev 4157), 20-Kopeks
SPB-EB (H 448; Sev 4159), 50-Kopeks EB, lettered edge (H 451; Sev 4161), Rouble EB CEE 453;
Sev 4162). 5-Kopek EB, 15-Kopek EB and 20-Kopek EB very fine or better, others mint state proofs,
rare. (11) £2000-2200
Specimen Set 1913 (12 coins), comprising %-Kopek, bronze (H 430), 4-Kopek, silver plated (H
430), Kopek (H 432), 2-Kopeks (H 434), 5-Kopeks EB (H 440; Sev 4167), 10-Kopeks BC (H 442;
Sev 4170), 15-Kopeks BC (H 445; Sev 4171), 20-Kopeks BC (H 448; Sev 4174), 50-Kopeks BC,
lettered edge (H 451; Sev 4176), 50-Kopeks EB, lettered edge (H451; Sev 4175), Rouble EB,
lettered edge (H 453,Sev 4178), minor spots on back of head; Rouble BC, lettered edge (H 453;
Sev 4178). %-Kopek, silver-plated, very fine, 5-Kopeks and 10 Kopeks extremely fine, others mint state
proofs, many rare. (12) £3000-3400
Set of Berlin Mint Patterns (7 coins), 4-Kopek 1898, copper, reading backwards "8981 4/1
kopek", date and denomination, rev venzel only (Blank -; B 1), %-Kopek 1897, copper, reading
backwards "7981 2/1 kopek", date and denomination, rev venzel only (Blank 496; B 2), 1-
Kopek 1898, nickel, reading backwards "8981 1 kopek b.II.C.", date and denomination, rev
Prussian eagle (Blank 501; B 4), 2-Kopeks 1898, copper, reading backwards "8981 2 kopeks
b.IL.C.", date and denomination, rev Prussian eagle (Blank 500; B 7), 2-Kopeks 1898, thick, in
nickel, reading backwards "8981 2 kopeks b.II.C.", date and denomination, rev Prussian eagle
(Blank -; B -), 3-Kopeks 1898, copper, reading backwards "8981 3 kopeks b.II.C.", date and
denomination, rev the same (Blank 499; Uzd 7; B -), 3-Kopeks, 1898, copper, reading
backwards "8981 3 kopeks b.II.C.", date and denomination, rev Prussian eagle. Very fine to
extremely fine, extremely rare. (7) £5000-5500
LH comments: "The last coin is not listed by Uzdenikov and is not even in the famous Blank sale of April 1907.
Blank catalogue lists only 5 pieces of this rare set. Brekke had only 4 pieces in his collection, never completed. This
offer, the most complete, contains 7 pieces, including the rarest 3-Kopeks."
Set of Brussels Mint Nickel Patterns 1911, (5 coins), comprising 5-Kopeks EB, denomination 5,
rev date and eagle (Sev 4152A; B 1; Uzd 4048), 10-Kopeks EB, denomination 10, rev date and
eagle (Sev 4152B; B 2; Uzd 4047), 20-Kopeks EB, denomination 20, rev date and eagle (Sev
4152; B 3; Uzd 4046), 20-Kopeks EB, date and eagle, rev denomination 20 (Sev 4152D; B 4; Uzd
4045), 25-Kopeks EB, date and eagle, rev denomination 25 (Sev 4152E; B 5; Uzd 4044). About
extremely fine, extremely rare. (5) £4000-4400
Ex Garshine collection, J Schulman catalogue, Amsterdam 1931 and Synadino collection, Christies catalogue, London 1979
LH comments: "This is the only known set of these patterns sold in the Western world’.
Patterns for Copper Coins of 1916 (4 coins), Kopek, eagle, rev centre part of field is smooth (B
2; Uzd 3959), 2-Kopeks, denomination 2-Kopeks and date, rev eagle and 2-Kopeks repeated 5
times (B 4; Uzd 3957), 3-Kopeks, denomination 3-Kopeks and date, rev eagle and 3-Kopeks
repeated 5 times (B 5; Uzd 3955), 5-Kopeks, denomination 5-Kopeks and date, rev eagle and 5-
Kopeks repeated 5 times (B 6; Uzd 3953). Extremely fine, extremely rare. (4) £5000-5300
LH comments: "Not offered since the 1970's, practically unknown before. In Russia it is considered the rarest set of
copper patterns before 1917. Brekke has not priced”.
Armavir Patterns (5), 1-Rouble 1918, denomination and date, rev eagle without crown, brass,
28mm, J.3 under tail (B 1; Severin -; Uzdenikov -), 1-Rouble 1918, denomination and date, rev
eagle without crown, copper, 26mm, J.3 under tail (B 6; Sev 4203), 3-Roubles 1918, denomination
and date, rev eagle without crown, copper, 28mm, J.3 under tail (B 5; Sev 4204), 3-Roubles
1918, denomination and date, rev eagle without crown, copper, 31 mm, J.3 under tail (B 2; Sev
4204A), 5-Roubles 1918, denomination and date, rev eagle without crown, copper, 31mm, J.3
under tail (B 4; Sev 4205). Extremely fine or better, rare, the first very rare. (5) £1600-1800
LH comments: "The first coin in this lot is the only specimen I have seen. This is the most complete set ever offered."
Patterns for Gold Coins struck in zinc
Pattern 5 Russ 1895, uniface obverse portrait of Nicholas II, struck in zinc; Pattern 5 Russ
1895, 1/3 Imperial, uniface reverse, inscription and eagle, struck in zinc (See Uzdenikov and
Severin, Sev 550 for gold). Very fine and extremely fine, extremely rare, possibly unique, both pieces
unpublished. (2) £400-450
Pattern 15 Russ 1895, uniface obverse portrait of Nicholas II, struck in zinc; Pattern 15 Russ
1895, uniface reverse 15 Russ, Imperial, struck in zinc (Sev 552 for gold). Scratches, very fine
and extremely fine, extremely rare, possibly unique. (2) £400-450
Gold Coins
5 Roubles 1898 AG. Good very fine. £60-80
5 Roubles 1901 FZ. Extremely fine, scarce. £60-80
5 Roubles 1902 AP. Good very fine. £60-80
5 Roubles 1910 EB. Extremely fine, scarce. E7090
7% Roubles 1897 AG. About uncirculated. £70-90
10 Roubles 1898 AG. About uncirculated. £80-100
10 Roubles 1900 FZ. Good very fine. £80-100
10 Roubles 1911 EB. Extremely fine, scarce. £120-140
10 Roubles 1923 Czervonetz. Extremely fine. £200-240
15 Roubles 1897 AG. Good very fine. £120-140
German Occupation
Kopek 1916A, Berlin; 2-Kopeks 1916], Hamburg; 3-Kopeks 1916A, Berlin. All about extremely
fine. (3) £40-50
Pattern Coins of USSR
Pattern 5-Kopeks 1924, bronze uniface pieces (2), obv and rev struck in London for the Russian
government (Kaim P127; B -; Uzd -; KM Pn171-not priced). Prooflike mint state, extremely rare.
2 £400-450
nly 3 pieces known
Pattern 5-Kopeks 1924, plain edge, struck in London (Kaim P140; KM PnA175-not priced).
Extremely fine, extremely rare. £650-700
From ‘Hermitage Duplicates’, from 14" - 20'* centuries, Hess catalogue, Frankfurt a/M 1931, lot 204; 1932, lot 2165.
Only 2 pieces known :
Peter 1 1698, bronze, by S ludin, bust right, rev Hercules standing with lion's skin, using torch
to kill Hydra, etc, dedicated to destruction of Streltzi, who flouted Peter I's authority, 67mm
(Smirnov 161; Reichel 890; Tiregale 7). Mint state, rare. £220-260
Peter I, Congress of Azov 1696, bronze, bust of young Peter, slightly left, rev view of city
Azov, bombardment from sea and shore, 50mm (Smirnov 160; Reichel 884; Tiregale 4).
Extremely fine, rare. £150-180
Peter I 1703-1903, 200th anniversary of the foundation of St Petersburg, gilt, by V Anareev,
bust left, rev flags, ships, and cannons, private strike, 49mm, from the artists collection (See
Staraja moneta 1912, no 6, page 90, not reported in major catalogues). Mint state, extremely
rare, possibly unique. £180-220
Peter the Great, Battle of Poltava 1709, Victory over Sweden, pewter, novodel, by S Iudin,
Peter I on horseback riding over field of dead bodies, inscription: HIC HONOR IN NOBIS
INDIVIDIOSUS ERIT OVID, rev strategic topographic plan of Poltava etc, Poltava Mira Clade
Insignis (all Swedish army destoyed 28 June), 63mm (Smirnov 181; Reichel 1117; Tiregale 30).
About extremely fine. £150-200
Peter I 1709-1909, bronze, gilt (2), one with original loop, bust, rev inscription: Dedicated to
Poltava 1709. Remember about Peter that life to him is not important. Important is only
Russia. 28mm. As struck. (2) £40-60
Peter I 1711, oval, white metal, 35 x 42mm, Peter I right, inscription: Tsar Alekseevich, rev
double headed eagle with three crowns holding four flags under 17-11, dedicated to construction
of fleet on four seas (Smirnov 196/a; Tiregale 44). Spot on shoulder, otherwise extremely fine, rare.
Peter the Great 1716, bronze, by Iudin, bust on pedestal around four allied flags - Russian,
Dutch, Holland, and English, rev Peter commands over 4 fleets at Island of Barnholm, 54mm
(Reichel 1286; Smirnov 204; Tiregale 54). Extremely fine. £180-200
Peter the Great's Visit To Paris 1717, bronze, by Du Vivier, bust Peter I, rev flying Fama etc,
modern Paris mint restrike (1969) from original dies, 59mm (Iversen 47; Reichel 1295; Smirnov
105/a; Tiregale 55). Mint state, lacquered. £30-40
Peter I, The Founder of Petersburg 1725, bronze, by Pingret and Durant Edidit (Series
numismatica universalis virorum illustromum), bust right, rev inscription: NATUS MOSCAE
64, P112, 10). Brown, extremely fine. £60-100
Peter the Great 1725, light bronze, bust, rev inscription: The first numismatic collection in
Russia, the Tsar's coin cabinet, Leningrad mint 1991, 70mm. Matt finish, mint state. £30-40
Peter I - Equestrian Statue of Peter I, silver, by Falconet, dedicated by Catherine II, erected
1782, rev spire of Peter and Paul fortress, Leningrad, issued c.1980, 925gms, 40mm. Grey matt
finish, extremely fine, scarce. £40-60
Peter I - 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Peter I, silver, 30mm (Smirnov 714). Prooflike mint
state, toned. £150-200
Peter I, bronze, by Lialin, die recut by Baranov, bust left, rev inscription: Dedicated to memory
of 200 years from date of his birth, 1672 30 May-1872. Emperor Peter the Great. AL under
bust, 62mm (Smirnov 714). Mint state. £90-110
Golovin, Fiodor Alexeyevich, bronze, no mm, bust of Golovin in boyar dress and wig, legend:
Tsar, Boyarin, General, Diplomat etc, rev the Golovin coat of arms, rampant lion with sword
in dexter paw between laurel branches, motto: ET-CONSILIO-ET ROBORE, 58mm (Smirnov
180a; Reichel 4444; Tiregale 65). Extremely fine. £100-150
LH comments: “Golovin was Peter's loyal general and diplomat. The medal was dedicated to his great achievements
as servant for his country”.
Coronation of Catherine I, 7 May 1724, bronze, by G.W. (G Waechter), conjoined bust of Peter,
laureate, and Catherine in diadem, on Peter's arm the letter G, rev Peter, dressed as a Roman
Emperor, crowns Catherine, legend: Crowned in Moscow in 1724, 59mm (Smirnov 211a;
Reichel 1486; Tiregale-66). Extremely fine, rare. £250-300
Death of Peter The Great, 28 January 1725, bronze, novodel with broad rims, bust of Peter,
laureate, in splendid armour with lion's head on right shoulder, legend: Peter the Great
Emperor and Autocrat of all Russia. Born 30 May 1672, rev woman as Russia sitting at
seashore, Eternity in woman's figure leads Peter behind clouds to heaven, at Russia's feet
attributes of science and arts, legend: See in what condition I leave you. Passed away 28
January 1725, 55mm (Iv PLXII, 5; Smirnov 213a; Reichel 1542; Tiregale 68). Extremely fine,
toned. £200-240
Peter II 1728 Coronation Medal, bronze, by I G I, bust right, rev on pedestal pillow with
Emperor's regalia, crown, sceptre, and orb, Coronation in Moscow 25 February 1728, 62mm
(Smirnov 215; Reichel 1648; Tiregale 69). Prooflike, mint state, dark tone. £300-350
Anna loannovna, 1730 Coronation Medal, silver, by ludin, bust right, crown and mantle, rev
Empress in rich attire and order of St Andreas, standing as she accepts sceptre, crown and imperial
orb from three woman representing Faith, Hope and Love; crowned 28 April 1730 in Moscow,
62mm (Smirnov 218a; Reichel 1688; Tiregale 70). Minor marks, mint state, toned. £650-750
Elizabeth Petrovna 1741, bronze, by T Ivanov, accession to the throne, bust right, crown and
mantle, rev Empress with cross in right hand, leading troops to a building, 63mm (Smirnov
226; Reichel 1882; Tiregale 111). Mint state, toned, rare. £250-300
Elizabeth Petrovna 1742, silver, by I G Waechter copy, coronation in Moscow, bust right, rev
Genius, boy with radiant star in his hand, places the crown on the head of the Empress, 60mm
(Smirnov 228a; Reichel 1891; Tiregale 79). Minor marks, extremely fine, toned. £650-750
Elizabeth Petrovna 1754, bronze, birth of Paul, bust right, rev female personification of Russia
is ready to accept newborn Crown Prince Paul, 65mm (Smirnov 238; Reichel 2033;). Extremely
fine, toned. £250-300
Elizabeth Petrovna 1759, bronze, to the Winners of Victory over the Prussians in the Battle of
Kunersdorf, bust right, rev Mars on Battlefield, 43mm (Smirnov 241a; Reichel 2136; Tiregale
89). Similar to the silver medallic Rouble, extremely fine, dark tone. £180-200
Elizabeth Petrovna 1761, bronze, by S Iudin S.IO.F, on her death, bust right, rev inscription on
the top: There you will find me and my grandfather. Born December 18, 1709, died December 25,
1761, original, 60mm (Smirnov 242a; Reichel 2204: Tiregale 90). Extremely fine, toned. £200-250
Elizabeth 1741-1761, bronze, bust right, rev Munz-kabinet - Kunstkammer catalogue of coins
first numismatic monument in Russia, 1745, below the date a number of old coins, new
production, St Petersburg mint, 1993, 71mm. Matt finish, mint state. £30-40
Catherine II 1762, bronze, gilt, by Waechter, accession to the throne, bust left, the most
beautiful and rich decoration, rev Empress in rich dress sitting at a table, woman presents to
her sceptre on a pillow etc, 67mm (Smirnov 244a; Reichel 2241; Tiregale 92). Some marks, about
extremely fine. £300-350
Catherine II 1762, bronze, by Waechter, accession to the throne, bust left, the most beautiful
and rich decoration, rev Empress in rich dress sitting at a table, woman presents to her sceptre
on a pillow etc, 67mm (Smirnov 244a; Reichel 2241; Tiregale 92). Extremely fine, dark tone.£250-
300 .
Catherine II 1762, silver, by V Alekseev, coronation in Moscow, bust right, rev legend: For
rescuing our faith and fatherland, rev I G W and Klepikov, 65mm (Smirnov 246a; Reichel
2243; Tiregale 94). Hairlines, extremely fine, rare. £700-800
LH Comments: "This is the first time I encounter this rarity”.
Marriage of Grand Duke Paul to Princess Natalia Alexeevna, 1773, copper, by I G laeger and
I.B.G.F, busts, both busts face each other, rev Hymen is standing at podium in temple at the
foot of a pedestal with a sign: For ever, 64mm (Smirnov 272; Reichel 2498). Small edge knock,
extremely fine, toned, rare. £300-350
Catherine II 1779, birth of Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich, bronze, by Leberecht and Gass,
bust Catherine right, rev above: With you. The Faith, Love and Hope; underneath: Grand
Duke Konstantin Pavlovich born in Tsar's village April 27 1779, 65mm (Smirnov 284; Reichel
2617). Mint state, dark tone, rare. £300-380
Catherine II 1779, the Christian migration from Crimea, by C Leberecht and | G Waechter,
bust Catherine II right, rev resettlement of Christians (Greeks) from Crimea to Russia on May
21,1779. About extremely fine, dark tone. £150-200
Bestuschev Riumin 1762, Russian States-chancellor, Fieldmarshal and numismatist, bronze,
gilt, by Waechter, bust left, rev rock in rough sea, lightning flash on one side and on the other
side sun in clouds, 52mm (Reichel 4461). Rim marks, extremely fine, rare. £250-300
LH Comments: "From Klingert collection, lot 3335. From Erbstein collection, Hess auction 1910."
Suvorov, Marshal, 1799 - Italy, bronze jetton, bust in uniform, rev Gallorum Terror, knight
killing a lion with his sword, 30mm (Reichel 4490). Extremely fine. £40-60
Suvorov A, 1904, dedicated to inauguration of Suvorov Museum, bronze, by Griliches (son),
bust of Nicholas II left, rev bust half length of Suvorov in military uniform, inscription:
Suvorov museum open 13 November 1904, above: Suvorov museum, 58mm (Smirnov 1330).
First time seen on the market. Edge knock, otherwise extremely fine, rare. £150-180
Alexander I, 1777-1877 December 12, commemorating his centenary birth date, copper, gold
plated, by Alekseev, bust right with laurel wreath on his head, inscription around the bust: Not
unto us, not unto us, but in thy name, rev To Emperor Alexander I 1777-1877 in circular decorative
border of flat interlaced ribbons, 63mm (Smirnov 764). Bright, extremely fine. £200-250
Alexander I 1801, Coronation medal, silver, by Leberecht, bust right, rev column, crown on
aw, underneath: Coronation in Moscow Sept 15, 1801, 65mm
top, written on column: The L £650-750
(Smirnov 332a; Reichel 3051). Some marks and hairlines, extremely fine, rare.
Alexander I 1801, Coronation medal, bronze, by Leberecht, bust right, rev column, crown on
top, written on column: The Law, underneath: Coronation in Moscow sept 15,1800, CME,
41mm (Smirnov 332/a; Reichel 3052). Extremely fine, dark tone. £180-200
Alexander I, foundation of the New Bourse at St Petersburg in 1805, Bronze novodel, by
Leberecht and Thomas de Thoman, bust right of Alexander I in uniform, rev view of bourse, river
Neva with ships in foreground etc, 50mm (Smirnov 347). Prooflike mint state, rare. £100-140
Stroganov, Alexander Sergeevitch 1807, bronze, by Leberecht and Shilov, bust right, rev in
memory of his achievements, 65mm (Smirnov 356). Extremely fine, lustre. £250-300
Alexander I 1813, emancipation of Europe, white metal, bust, rev large eagle, legend:
FORTITER DEFENDIT TRIUMPHANS, 44mm. Mint state, rare. £60-80
Alexander | 1814, Imperial reward medal for excellence, unfinished date 180., bronze, by Alekseev,
bust, rev vineyard, radiating sun, 50mm (Smirnov 341/a). Extremely fine. E150-170
Alexander | 1819, silver plated brass jetton, by Steiner, Alexander I and the Kaiser of Austria
facing each other, rev city view of Leipzig- 18-19 Oct. 1813, battle of allies at Leipzig during
Napoleonic war, 34mm (Reichel 326). Mint state, rare thus. £50-80
Nicholas I 1826, Coronation medal, silver, by B Alexeev, bust right, rev column, crown on top,
written on column: The Law. Coronation in Moscow, 50mm (Smirnov 413a). Light scratches,
extremely fine, toned. £300-350
Nicholas I 1826, Coronation medal, silver, by B Alexeev, bust right, rev column, crown on top,
written on column: The Law. Coronation in Moscow, 41mm (Smirnov 413a). Light scratches,
prooflike mint state. £200-240
Nicholas I, bronze, by Klepikov, Lialin and Gube, triumphal arch at St Petersburg, radiant eye
around 1812, 1813, 1814, rev dedicated to Russian Heroic Imperial Guard, August 1834, 65mm
(Smirnov 471; Reichel 3593). Mint state. £150-200
Nicholas I 1825-1855, completion of Nicholas Bridge over river Neva 1850, bronze, by
medalists Tolstoi and Lialin, above the bridge double headed eagle flying high; below dates:
started 1843 and finished 1850, rev allegorical presentation of a woman standing next to
Hercules with lion's skin on his shoulder, 74mm (Smirnov 549), ink inventory number,
Moscow Museum duplicates 393. Mint state. £150-200
Nicholas I 1858, St Isaak's Cathedral in St Petersburg, bronze, by Lialin and Alekseev, within
circle in the middle, bust of Peter I, Catherine Il, Paul I, Alexander I, Nicholas I, Alexander i
rev the famous cathedral - construction started during the reign of Alexander I, continued
during the reign of Nicholas I, 78mm (Smirnov 617). Hairlines, good very fine. £160-200
Alexander II 1856, Coronation medal, Bronze, by A Lialin, P and M Kuchkin, bust right, rev
eagle of Russian Empire, above: God with us, 64mm (Smirnov 603a). Mint state. £200-240
Alexander II, Komisarov Osip Ivanovitch, commemorating the ennoblement of Osip
Komisarov in memory of events of 4 April 1866, bronze, novodel, portrait of Komisarov, rev
in memory of the miracle rescue of His Majesty Emperor Alexander II from Aesreshae teen a
personal award from Alexander II to Komisarov, 30mm. Mint state, rare. £150-170
Erection of the Monument to Alexander II at St Petersburg Stock Exchange, bronze, by
Chizhov, monument of Alexander II, rev inscription: erected during the reign of Alexander III
in St Petersburg 1887, 77mm (Smirnov 929). Extremely fine. £150-170
Alexander II, dedicated to erection of his monument 1894, bronze, by Griliches (Jr.), bust, rev
monument, full length statue, 72mm. Mint state, orange tone. £150-170
Alexander II, Tsar Liberator, 19 Feb 1878, bust right, rev cross and inscription, 27mm.
Extremely fine, rare. £30-40
Alexander II 1818-1881, memorial, bronze, by Griliches’ son, bust left, born 1818 - died 1881,
rev Moscow Kremlin monument, the foundation was laid in 1893 and opened in 1898, no date
under monument, 77mm. (Smirnov 830). Mint state, rare. £250-300
LH Comments: "The medal is as the Pattern Rouble".
Pushkin, A S 1799-1837, bronze (2 pieces), by Skudnov, head left, rev inscription: dedicated to
his 100-year birthday, 67mm (Smirnov 1159). Mint state. (2) £150-200
LH comments: “Made: 4 gold pieces, 20 silver, and 5000 bronze - distributed to graduate students with excellent
grades in 1899”.
Pushkin, Alexander 1799-1837, silver (2), by Baranovskaja, Moscow, bust, rev inscription, date
and lyre between his name, 40mm. Extremely fine. (2) £40-60
Pushkin, Alexander 1862, bronze, gilt, by Chukmasov, Akademik, bust left - born 1799 died
1837, high relief, rev lyre at top, below poem in 5 lines, 1862, 40mm (Smirnov 1159; Klingert
3509). Almost mint state, rare. £150-200
Pushkin, Alexander 1862, silver, by Chukmasov, Akademik, bust left - born 1799 died 1837,
high relief, rev lyre at top, below poem in 5 lines, 1862, 40mm (Smirnov 1159; Klingert 3509).
Silver marks on edge, about mint state, toned, rare. £200-240
Pushkin, Alexander 1799-1837, bronze, brown, by Shmakov, bust facing straight, rev lyre and
date 1799-1837, Leningrad 1971, 59mm. As struck. £60-80
Tolstoi, I I, Count, silver, bust left, rev in memory of 30 years of activities in the Russian
Numismatic Society, 1912, 25mm. Matt finish, extremely fine, rare. £150-200
Reichel, Jacob, bronze, by engraver C Karl Pfeuffer, bust little to the left, legend: lacobus De
Reichel’ Natus Varsavial) A.D, MDCCLXXx BD? VIDNOV/XXxV Oct; reo Reichel's arms with
congratulatory legend: VIP'D De Numaria optime merito AMICI and date A.D. MCCCLI
below, 42mm (see Journal of the Russian Society 34, pp 26-27 Spring 1989). Minor spots, mint
state, rare. £200-250
Utkin, Nicholai 1809-1859, bronze, by A Lialin, bust, inscription: Honored, Professor of
Academy of Arts, rev: To his 50 years in Arts, from 1809-1859 (Utkin, the master medallist of
all Family Rouble dies) 42mm (Smirnov 631). Mint state, rare. £150-200
bronze, by Steiman, A P and Vazhenin C, bust
le personification of Russia seated, at her feet
Extremely fine. £60-80
Alexander III, exposition in Moscow in 1882, gilt
right, in oval, crowned with oak leaves, rev fema
attributes to science, arts; open book etc, 46mm (Smirnov 859).
Folendorf N V - Chief of the St Petersburg mint and Privy Councillor, bronze, by A B, bust
rm of mining engineer 1894, rev plain, 31mm (Smirnov 1387). Mint state,
right in civil unifo
Alexander III and Nassr - Ed-Din Shah of Persia 1889, bronze, bust right of Alexander III, rev
bust of Shah of Persia on his visit to Russia's St Petersburg mint, 34mm (Smirnov -). Mint
state, toned, rare.
Giel, Ch.Ch, 1869-1894, to his 25th anniversary, silver, by Vasutinskii, bust left, rev half
dressed sitting woman engraving on a column of stone 1869-1894 - man of Russian
numismatics, in the background Petropavlovskii cathedral and SPB mint, museum inventory
number in ink 1256, 57mm (Smirnov 1032). Mint state, toned, rare. £300-350
Ex Erbstein collection, Hess catalogue, Frankfurt a/M 1911, lot 18327. Sold with original envelope
LH Comments: "A very impressive and rare historical medal of a great numismatist’.
Alexander Nevsky, bronze, bust, rev horseman, jubilee medal, the 727th anniversary of
crushing troops of the German knights on Lake Chudskoe - battle on ice, by Knorre, modern
production, 60mm. Mint state. £20-25
Smirnov, Victor Petrovich, no date, uniface copper, by A I (A. Griliches), bust left in uniform
of mining engineer, 31mm. Scratch, extremely fine, rare. £100-150
LH Comments: "The author of the classic catalogue on medals”.
Nicholas II 1895, bronze, head left, rev inscription within wreath, dedicated to an art
exhibition in Warsaw 1895, 50mm. Extremely fine, scarce. £100-140
Nicholas II and King George of Greece (Governor of Crete) 1898, silver, Nicholas II, rev George of
Crete, inscription obv and rev in Russian, 33mm. Matt finish, extremely fine, rare. £200-240
Nicholas IT and King George of Greece (Governor of Crete) 1898, silver, Nicholas II, rev George of
Crete, inscription obv and rev in Greek, 33mm. Matt finish, extremely fine, rare. £200-240
Nicholas II 1896, Coronation jetton, silver, Coronation in Moscow 1896, rev Crown-N-A; God
with us, 25mm (Smirnov 1102). Brilliant proof. £70-90
Catherine II - monument by Falconet dedicated to Peter I 1782, jetton, silver (2), Catherine II
bust left, reo monument to Peter the Great on horseback, 24mm (Reichel 2671). Extremely fine,
toned, illustrated and very fine. £100-150
Maria Fedorovna 190(4)?, award medal for academic achievement, silver, by A Griliches,
portrait right in Russian national dress, rev Minerva is standing, 43mm (Smirnov 1107a).
Prooflike, toned. £100-150
Nicholas Hf 1915, medal for meritorious service, silver with original loop, bust left, rev laurel
leaves and inscription, 51mm (Smirnov 1038/a). Extremely fine. £100-150
Nicholas II 1918, on his murder, silvered brass, bust slightly to the right, rev inscription: I have
more than presentment that I am predestined for terrible trial, that I want to be rewarded for
them in this world, Emperor Nicholas II, 65mm. Very fine. £200-250
The Construction of the Triumphal Arch in St Petersburg, octagonal bronze plate, by Gube,
rev To Victory of Russian Army, in memory of heroic deeds in Persia, Turkey, and in suppression
in Poland in the years 1826, 1827, 1828, 1819, 1830, 1831, started construction in 1834, completed
in 1838, 84x60mm (Smirnov 491; Reichel 3661). Good very fine, rare. £200-240
Staraja Moneta 1910, jetton, rev Numismatic Journal, SPB, horse rider, bK under horse,
Society's jetton. Mint state, rare. £60-90
Leningrad, bronze, Bridges over the Neva river in defence of the city of Leningrad, 75mm,
and medallets (4), Alexander II, jetton, by ch.k, 28mm; Alexander III, white metal, 27mm;
Nicholas II 1896, bronze, gold plated, 28mm and bronze, silver plated, 29mm. All extremely
jute: (9) £40-60
Tolstoi c.1912 - Private family gaming jettons (3), denomination, rev crowned T. 5-Kopeks, 10-
Kopeks, and 20-Kopeks. As struck. (3) £60-90
Historical Medals of Russian Monarchs from 862 to 1894, five pieces from the series of 62,
Vladimir Sviatoslav, year 981, no7; Alexander Jaroslavich, year 1252, no26; Ioan Vasilievich,
year 1462, no42; Michail Feodorovich, year 1613, no49; Peter I the Great, year 1682, no53.
Very fine or better, scarce. (5) £150-180
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